Session 13 - The Fluffy Avenger

General Summary

22 Desnus (May) 4725   In the hallowed Battle Temple of Asmodeus, a clash of forces unfolded. The heroes, valiant and resolute, faced an ominous assembly: Theldrick, the ambitious high priest of Asmodeus; Garras and Kendra, the devoted clerics; a quartet of sinister Aberrant Asmodean Sentinels; and two fearsome Orc Zombies of Asmodeus. The air crackled with tension, the temple walls echoing with the sounds of battle.   As the conflict raged, the tide swayed back and forth. Tike Myson pushed over a giant statue, allowing access to the balcony - and the archers situated therein. Fiernar let his spears speak for him, daring anyone to try to stop him. Cal summoned ferocious schmoops and accidentally produced a ninja-like crab spider that commenced to clip throat arteries.   Dav, Vaz'non and Alfie Bud, separated from the rest of the party, fought their way through Sentinels in an attempt to gain access to the temple - and their companions. Arrows flew and spells crackled. Despite the overwhelming odds, their courage never wavered. Theldrick, wielding dark powers, fought with a zealot's fervor, but the heroes' resolve proved stronger.   As the momentum swung away from him, Theldrick opted to retreat. He tried earning favor with the party when he paralyzed Tike but did not kill him. "Remember how this could have gone," he offered.   With the party in full pursuit, Theldrick fled to the entryway of the Citadel of Asmodeus. "There is no need for conflict," he begged off, trying to keep ahead of the heroes. Tike managed to charge him and keep Theldrick from escaping down the final hallway. Amid the chaos, an unexpected hero emerged - Potato, the baby owlbear. With an innocent yet fierce spirit, Potato charged through the fray. Alfie had ordered him to Fetch, and by the gods, Potato would not be denied.   As Theldrick fell, the heroes finally found a moment to catch their breath. They were spent - physically as well as magically. They took their time to explore the citadel, discovering treasure and information. Cal discovered a coded communication between Theldrick and the leader of the Norgorber branch of the Ebon Triad - and possibly this cell of the Triad itself - known only as the Faceless One. There was also mention of the visions provided by the oracle leader of the Dahak sect known as Grallak Kur. Theldrick was the go-between for Grallak and the Faceless One, and had a key specifically to access the Dahak branch of the Dark Cathedral.   Perhaps they would pay the Dahak oracle a visit. But that was a plan for tomorrow. For now, they would rest.

Rewards Granted

Aberrant Asmodean Sentinels
  • 50gp (x4)
  • One carries a silver ring inlaid with small emeralds, worth 200 gp.
  • Weapon rack contains six javelins, a longsword, a composite longbow (+2 Strength), and four quivers of 20 arrows each.
Priests’ Chambers - Garras (half-orc) and Kendra (human woman)
  • Their wedding treasure chest contains 200 gp in coins, a wand of enlarge person (42 charges), and a jeweled bracer worth 1,000 gp.
Chapel of Asmodeus
  • The secret compartment hides a golden chalice worth 250 gp, two silver holy symbols of Asmodeus worth 50 gp each, a ring of protection +1, and a silvered dagger with a jeweled hilt worth 150 gp.
Theldrick’s Chamber
  • Chest beneath Theldrick’s bed contains 70 gp in a leather bag and a fist-sized gold bust of a dwarf wearing a gem-studded crown worth 2,400 gp.
Battle Temple of Asmodeus
  • The blood-red ruby set on the statue’s forehead is worth 800 gp.
The clerics Garras and Kendra
  • Scroll of Silence
  • Scroll of Sound Burst
  • Potion of Blur
  • Potion of Bull's Strength
High Priest Theldrick
  • +1 Breastplate
  • +1 Morningstar
  • Muleback Cords

Created Content

Theldrick's encoded scrolls remain a mystery. However, his journal revealed several things.

Excerpts from Theldrick’s Journal

  Excerpt #1 -  
Praise Be to the Lord of Darkness,   The Faceless One grows increasingly concerned. That addled beast Grallak Kur has yet to provide new insights into the Overgod’s nature. The crude missives he sends speak of the worms, a slumbering power that must be awoken but nothing more. I wish he would go back to the black pit that spawned him if he had nothing more to offer.   The Faceless One tells me this ties into an ancient figure, a being of great power. Of course, he tells me little else. He enjoys keeping his secrets, but he forgets that they flourish only behind the protection of the Reaper of Reputation. His latest taunt is a scroll that he tells me contains all the answers I seek. Of course, the fool wrote it in a cipher. Were it not for the dictates of the Ebon Triad, I would lead my troops into their damnable labyrinth and kill every last shadow-spawned miscreant and insane wizard within it.   Grallak is the key. Thank the Scourge that he trusts me and not the Faceless One. Otherwise, I doubt the Faceless One would bother imparting anything to us. We cannot trust these mages. When the Overgod arises, I think it will be time to settle some old scores.
  Excerpt #2 -  
Under the Herald’s Watchful Eye We Conquer,   Grallak Kur has finally yielded a useful clue. I personally delivered it to the labyrinth, and the Faceless One giggled like a blood addled berserker when he saw the message. Grallak spoke of the worms again, of course. He says that even now they stir and writhe. The world is like an apple infested with them. All seems well for now, but soon they burst through the skin and swarm across the land. Still, part of this vision troubles me. Grallak spoke of a great power behind them, but the Ebon Triad teaches that these worms will awaken the Overgod. Is there some other power at hand here that we cannot see? Is it friend or foe?   The Faceless One knows more, but he of course has little to say. Perhaps Grallak has invented everything. His monstrous kin are few in number and battered after their pilgrimage through the Underdark. If he is an imposter or trickster, we may need to root him out of this place. In that case, our agents must make another supply run. Six coils of rope, and perhaps bows and more arrows, should do the trick. With the petitioners leading the way we can uncover any ambushes they have within the cliffs.
Age of Worms
Tike Myson
Alfie Bud
Report Date
15 Jan 2024