Session 14 - Visions and Decisions

General Summary

Deep beneath Dourstone Mine, the heroes left the “comfort” of the Asmodean wing of the Dark Cathedral. They ventured into an underground cavern system populated by worshippers of Dahak, the draconic god of destruction. Suspicions were raised immediately when the door to the Dahak wing had been subtly wedged open. Dav found a singular track belonging to a large serpentine creature making its way deeper into the cavern.   The party cautiously noted ambush spots as they navigated through a cavern filled with stalactites and stalagmites. They encountered the corpse of a duergar and his hounds, suggesting not only the power of the serpentine predator but the lethality of its poison.   Further exploration led the party to a descent marked by crude spikes and another group of duergar, victims of the same mysterious predator.   Descending deeper into the cavern, they confronted the creature that had killed most of the duergar cultists of Dahak that had been taking up residence in the cavern system. An Elder Shadow Serpent, much different than any that Cal had ever heard of, slithered out of a nearby tunnel. Despite its injuries, the battle was intense, with both sides spilling blood before ending the lethal serpent.  

  Cal and Vaz’non examined the creature and surmised it had been subjected to a powerful ritual that had augmented its considerable strengths. Someone created and unleashed the serpent upon the cavern's denizens. Someone perhaps versed not only in magic but also in assassination. Someone like the Faceless One, leader of the church of Norgorber, god of Assassins.   Their journey culminated in a confrontation with the duergar chieftain in his lodge. Affected by hallucinogenic mushrooms, the chieftain believed Dahak had sent the heroes to test him. Dav and the others assured him that was not the case and retreated before the situation could escalate into combat.   Finally, in the Temple of Dahak, they faced Grallak Kur and his duergar followers. Grallak, blessed with visions of prophecy that guided the Ebon Triad, welcomed the heretics and gave each of them a hint at their futures.    
Dav - I see you grudgingly confronting a lie.   Cal - I see you grudgingly confronting a truth.   Fiernar - I see you embracing your destiny.   Vaz’non - I see you pushing your destiny away.   Alfie - I see you surrounded by life.   Tike - I see you surrounded by death.
    With that out of the way, Grallak the Mad decided to fulfill their destiny of death and attacked the heroes. Grallak did not go easily and almost ended the lives of the heroes himself. In the end, the seer of Dehak and his followers were slain.   Grallak carried two scrolls that summarized his latest visions. The letters stated that a great power stirred and a swarm of worms was at hand. It spoke of a power growing in the pool of the Dark Cathedral, a power that would serve the Ebon Triad as a champion but that a still greater force drove the power of evil forward. One passage in particular stood out:  
At last the will of the Ebon Triad be done. With the return of great Desimos, the Age of Worms is finally upon us!
  On the way back to the Asmodeus wing to recover, the heroes stopped to see the Duergar Chief and presented him with the head of Grallak Kur. The chief thanked them and told them he was leaving. Cal convinced him not to go to the surface riding his massive Gloomfang Behemoth, fearing it would attract undue attention. Through some collaborative deception, the chief was convinced to find a path back to the Darklands through the Norgorber wing of the Dark Cathedral. The chief and his burly pet went on their way, and the heroes retired to the Asmodeus wing to recover.

Rewards Granted

Treasure discovered:
  • Four agates worth 50 gp each
  • A large ruby worth 200 gp
  • Two sets of fine, ivory dice looted from a drow war party worth 300 gp each
  • A bloodstained burlap sack containing 200 gp, the preserved head of a female dark elf, and a wand of cure light wounds (4 charges)
  • A jade figurine of Dahak worth 200 gp
  • 50 gp in coins
  • Three garnets worth 50 gp each
  • A silver necklace set with three gems worth 100 gp
  • Two Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds, one Potion of Invisibility
  • 500 gp in coins
  • A silver holy symbol of Dahak worth 200 gp despite the great hacks and gashes cut into it
  • A pearl necklace worth 400 gp
  • A Rope of Climbing
From the Duergar Anvil Monk:
  • Amulet of Mighty Fists (+1)
  From Grallak Kur:
  • +1 Elven Thornblade
  • +1 Chain Shirt
  • +1 Light Steel Shield
  • Cloak of Resistance +1
  • Ring of Protection +1
Duregar Gear:
  • Warhammer (2)
  • Chain Shirt (2)
  • Leather Camouflage Armor (2)
  • Longbow (2)
  • Arrows (40)
  • Heavy Steel Shield (2)
Age of Worms
Tike Myson
Alfie Bud
Report Date
04 Feb 2024