Session 22 - The Siege of Blackwall Keep

General Summary

Departure from Ravengro

Our tale begins in Ravengro, where our intrepid band of adventurers, now trying out the name Ruinlords, prepared themselves for a journey fraught with peril and uncertainty. With them was the stalwart Alistair Clancy, magical artificer and retired adventurer. They chose to traverse the longer road around the lake, mindful of Alistair's need to test his magical wheelchair. They borrowed horses and a sturdy wagon from Alistair's brother, the Governor-Mayor Leonard Clancy, to aid their journey, allowing the baby owlbear Potato to be nestled safely in the wagon.  

The Overland Trek

On the first night, they sought refuge in an old, abandoned farmhouse often frequented by wayward travellers known as Shank’s Rest. As they broke bread, Alistair shared the haunting tale of his past. He spoke of a terrible encounter with a mighty lich whose curse left him bound to his wheelchair without the use of his legs. He recounted the valiant sacrifice of a paladin he dearly loved, who gave her life to save the world from the lich's malevolence. His wheelchair became his penance, and he focused on doing good with his magic. To build rather than destroy.   Taking the night watch, Cal kept vigilant guard upon the roof. As he tried to commune with his enchanted whip, blessed by the great gold wyrm Aurixalar, he heard a cold and unfamiliar voice whispering of living shadows. Moments later, he spied bandits emerging from the darkness, approaching the farmhouse with ill intent.  

Bandit Skirmish

The bandits, thinking to catch our heroes unawares, launched their attack under the cover of night. But Cal illuminated them with faerie fire and raised the alarm. Fiernar swiftly roused his comrades, and they met the bandits with steel and spell. The attackers, deprived of their surprise, were swiftly dispatched, unable to escape the might of the Ruinlords.  

Lizardfolk Encounter

As dawn approached, a curious sight unfolded. Lizardfolk, creatures of the swamp, emerged from the river, collecting the bodies of the fallen bandits before retreating. Cal found this behaviour most peculiar, for such creatures rarely strayed from their murky homes. Something strange was happening in the land.  

Arrival at Blackwall Keep

As the sun set on their second day of travel, the party neared Blackwall Keep. The air was thick with the stench of smoke and blood, a harbinger of the battle that had transpired. Vaz’non and Cal climbed a nearby hill to survey the scene. There, they beheld the keep's damaged door and the lizardfolk swarming like a tide around the fortress. As the last rays of the sun vanished, the lizardfolk prepared to launch their assault under the cover of darkness, intending to strike while the defenders were blind and vulnerable.   The Seige of Blackwall Keep was about to begin.

Rewards Granted

Bandit Skirmish Loot:
  • Coins: 150 gold pieces, 75 silver pieces.
  • 6 short swords, 6 crossbows with 20 arrows each, 4 daggers.
  • 5 sets of leather armor, 1 chain shirt.
  • Potion of cure light wounds (2)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Shank’s Rest: An old, abandoned farmhouse where the group spent their first night. Travellers often use the place as a waypoint.
  • Blackwall Keep: A besieged fortress, the destination where the adventurers prepared to defend against an impending lizardfolk assault.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Alistair Clancy: A resilient man bound to a wheelchair due to a lich's curse, sharing a tragic backstory and demonstrating a commitment to using magic for good.
  • Leonard Clancy : Governor-Mayor of Ravengro, Alistair’s brother, who provided logistical support for the journey.
Age of Worms
Tike Myson
Dunner Greatblade
Alfie Bud
Report Date
25 May 2024