Session 29 - Caliphas Carnage

General Summary

With the Ruinlords navigating through the bustling streets of Caliphas City, they found their way blocked by a colourful parade of street performers and exotic creatures. The parade, a fundraising event for a gladiator team, drew a large crowd eager to witness the spectacle. The centrepiece of the parade was a massive cage containing a fearsome three-headed chimera with the heads of a goat, lion, and a blue dragon. As the chimera roared and blasted its cage with lightning, the party noticed that the parade was a spectacle and a cover for pickpockets working the crowd.   As the parade passed, the chimera’s constant attacks on its cage finally weakened the iron bars, and the beast broke free, sending the crowd into a panic. The chimera, furious at its captivity, began attacking the nearest civilians. The party swiftly engaged the creature to prevent further casualties. While the battle raged, the pickpockets attempted to flee by attacking the party and bolting. But after attacking Tike Myson, who immediately doubled in size and strength due to the magic of Alfie and Cal, they realized their mistake. The young man's skeleton was punched out of his body. The young woman, struck by a ball of lighting from the chimera, dropped her remaining coins and fled.   Moments into the battle, four soldiers from the Black Gauntlet, a special forces unit from Salisgrad, emerged and confronted Dunner, accusing him of stealing the Helm of Titan’s Wrath. The soldiers attempted to subdue Dunner, leading to a tense standoff. Two Black Gauntlets were slain in the ensuing conflict by Vaz'non and Tike. The Caliphas City Watch arrived on the scene and encouraged everyone to disperse. The guard captain reminded the heroes that vigilante justice would not be tolerated in Caliphas City.

West Cushing District: Toplo Manor

After the commotion, the party made their way to the affluent West Cushing District in Caliphas, following a lead that took them to the residence of Elric Toplo, a sage they sought out for information. Upon arriving at the grand estate, they were greeted by Pollard, Elric’s elderly elven manservant. Pollard informed the party that Elric was out of town on business but assured them he would return soon. He suggested that they stay at the Silver Siren, a reputable inn in the Foreign Quarter, and promised to send word once Elric returned.

Sleepless Agency: Sleepless Manor

Cal visited the Sleepless Agency’s branch in West Cushing. After passing a covert security check, Cal was admitted into Sleepless Manor, where he met with Marceline Faulkner, the agency’s head of operations, and her team. Cal provided Marceline with updates on his investigations, including a report on the Rothports, and discussed the possible involvement of the Ebon Triad. Elias Drevar, the agency’s occult specialist, recognized Cal and made cryptic comments about his heritage before being dismissed by Marceline. The meeting ended with Marceline instructing Brynna Quickstep to upgrade Cal’s enchanted missive to facilitate communication with the Caliphas branch.

The Silver Siren and Eldritch Embers

The party then travelled to the Foreign Quarter, where they found the Silver Siren, an inn known for its charm and welcoming atmosphere. Tarquin Shortstone XXIV, the friendly halfling proprietor, greeted them warmly. The party spent the evening in the bustling taproom, enjoying the lively atmosphere and discussing their next steps.   While in the Foreign Quarter, the party also visited Eldritch Embers, a prestigious magic shop renowned for its masterfully crafted and enchanted weapons, armour, and other magical items. The shop, owned and operated by the skilled dwarven blacksmith Ignatius Flinthearth, was a treasure trove of arcane goods. The party perused the shop’s offerings, considering potential upgrades to their gear, before returning to the Silver Siren to plan their next steps.

The Whispering Wall

Back at the Silver Siren, Cal took an interest in the inn’s legendary Whispering Wall, an ancient and enchanted feature known for holding countless patrons' secrets, wishes, and stories. The wall, covered in intricate carvings and faintly glowing with ethereal light, seemed almost alive with whispers of past visitors. Intrigued, Cal cast a spell that allowed him to sift through the myriad voices and focus on a specific thread of whispers. As the magical energies coalesced, Cal discovered a hidden clue within the wall’s whispers—a cryptic reference to what could be the location of a long-lost dragon hoard. The session ended with the party intrigued by this new lead, eager to uncover the secrets that Cal had unearthed from the mysterious Whispering Wall.

Character(s) interacted with

Caliphas City's Sleepless Agency

  • Marceline Faulkner, the Head of Operations in Caliphas City.
  • Elias Drevar, Occult Specialist, was Cal's father's ally.
  • Brynna Quickstep, Missive Specialist who upgraded Cal's enchanted missive.

The Silver Siren

  • Tarquin Shortstone XXIV, halfling proprietor.

Eldritch Embers

  • Ignatius Flinthearth is the dwarven owner and operator of the magic shop.

Created Content

Age of Worms
Tike Myson
Dunner Greatblade
Alfie Bud
Report Date
18 Aug 2024
Primary Location