Session 65 - Time After Time

General Summary

  10 Neth (Nov) 4720   Above the city of Xin-Shalast, the Saviors of Sandpoint found themselves in a sticky situation. Kilgor had fallen fifty feet to the street below while the rest of the party clung to the back of the ancient white dragon Arkrhyst. Meanwhile, an immense draconic construct dove down at the mighty dragon, unleashing a devastating breath attack.   With acrobatics, magic, and more than a little luck, the heroes escaped the dragon while it battled with one of the city's mechanical protectors. As the titans clashed above, the heroes were ushered into the shadows by Morgiv, a skulk whose people had long been inhabitants of the world beneath Xin-Shalast. He told them his people had been enslaved by a creature they had accidentally unleashed. The creature was known as the Hidden Beast, which had dominated or devoured many skulks. It demanded blood sacrifices and would take one if not given. If the heroes would free the skulks of the tyranny of the Hidden Beast, Morgiv would lead them through the tunnels beneath the city and escort them to the upper city of Xin-Shalast.   Morgiv led the heroes to the beast's lair and bid them good luck. Inside the lair, the Saviors fought a vampiric decapus and several skulk vampire thralls. They recovered several valuable items, including an odd sihedron ring the decapus wore on a tentacle. They gave the good news to Morgiv, who assured the heroes that their names would be sung throughout the undercity of Xin-Shalast.   Suddenly, Chief Intelligencer Seraphina Gustavos emerged from the shadows. She told the heroes that she was familiar with Xin-Shalast, but dared not let that information slip to Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch. There were too many spies afoot, and Seraphina didn't trust many people. She tracked the heroes down and gave them some magic items to help with their mission, then bid them good luck and disappeared as quickly as she came.   True to his word, Morgiv led the Saviors through the tunnels that led to the upper city. He took them as far as he dared, warning them about the giant spiders and the occluding field before running back to the safety of the depths. The giant spiders turned out to be great Leng Spiders, who instructed the heroes to slay the Denizens of Leng who were working on a device for Karzoug. They had started ten thousand years ago and were finishing it as Karzoug prepared to return to Golarion. They did not know what the device was, only that its destruction would upset their enemies and delight them in the process.   The occluding field was another matter but could be bypassed with the dominant weapons, sihedron medallions, and the sihedron ring the decapus had worn. However, the sihedron medallions were a curse and a benefit. Karzoug began speaking through the medallion, materializing in a spectral form while taunting the heroes. He attacked them with a fireball, and when Jatsu countered with a Spell Crash spell, Karzoug instructed his champion to deal with the issue.   Maximus Merilander materialized in spectral form and congratulated the heroes for their fine effort against Karzoug's image. He told Jayvielle that he now had more important issues to deal with than the issue of Jayvielle's existance. However, he did boast that he had taken his revenge. He showed the Saviors the temporal bracers that Karzoug had given him, as a gift from his allies in Leng.   Maximus pointed out how powerful Transmutation magic was, boasting that it was the building blocks of reality, time and space. The bracers allowed him the ability to use time as a weapon. With a smile, he told Jayvielle that he had used the bracers to have his revenge. He confessed to having killed Jayvielle's twin sister, a cleric of Desna named Janvielle. "You wear her holy symbol," he said with pride. "She was just standing behind you moments ago, and now none of you remember her."   Jayvielled called him a liar. Maximus stepped aside and motioned the party forward. "Come forward," he said. "I will see you soon."  

Rewards Granted

  • Sihedron Ring is used to bypass the occlusion field.
  • Six of the following from the skulk vampires: +1 vicious dagger, +1 composite shortbow with 20 arrows, ring of protection +1.
  • Care package from Seraphina Gustavos: a leather bag of holding II containing a staff of healing, a scroll of greater restoration, two scrolls of heal, a scroll of true resurrection, and a silk pouch containing eight elixirs of the peaks. She also gave Kilgor a +1 bloodthirsty breastplate that used to belong to an ex. Jatsu traded his bow for Seraphina's personal +2 longbow.
Rise of the Runelords
Report Date
28 May 2023
Primary Location