
(a.k.a. The Ravager Worm)

Yhidothrus (Yih-DOE-thrus), the Ravager Worm, is the demon lord of age, time, and worms. A being full of hate, he is concerned with everything wrong about time and the process of aging: the destructive power of erosion and entropy's ability to bring all to naught.  


  • Unholy Symbol: an hourglass filled with worms instead of sand
  • Temple: caverns, clock towers, graveyards, hidden cathedrals, old houses
  • Worshipers: liches, those who would do anything to avoid death, worms that walk
  • Minions: ghosts, leeches, swarms, undead, worm-like monsters, vermleks
  • Obedience: Meditate in a closed coffin partially filled with worm-infested soil or leech-infested mud. During the obedience, you must swallow or inhale at least a dozen living worms or leeches. Gain a +4 profane bonus against effects that cause slowness, magical aging, or anything damaging, draining, or penalizing ability scores.


Yhidothrus is a hideous and hateful demon lord associated with the negative aspects of time—aging, the destruction of all things via erosion, and the advance of entropy. Among humanity, Yhidothrus’s cultists are typically loners obsessed with the encroaching threat of old age; desperate to avoid that threat, these few turn to blasphemy and demon worship as an escape. Many become liches due to their obsession—a Yhidothrin lich typically appears much more worm-eaten and “moist” than the typical undead of that kind.   Yhidothrus appears as an immense worm with oily, night-black flesh and a mouth that folds back upon itself to reveal a dozen ivory, hook-like jaws around a gullet ringed with countless teeth. None but the mad can claim to have seen what lies at the far end of the Ravager Worm’s endless body, and the accounts of such lunatics are not to be trusted. Their accounts all seem to describe that Yhidothrus grows more ancient as one travels alongside its body, and its tail is rooted in a deep qlippoth-ruled Abyssal realm where the very ideas of sin and demons have not yet existed. Scholars speculate that Yhidothrus is still a qlippoth lord at the end of his body and could possibly encircle the entire Great Beyond if he could climb out of his source. According to the most disturbing rumours, Yhidothrus' "body" is nothing more than the tip of the tongue of an incomparably vast monster.   Yhidothrus’s Abyssal realm is not a single place as much as a massive network of tunnels the demon lord has bored through the surrounding strata of the Outer Sphere. These tunnels called the Spiral Path, are said to connect to nearly every other Abyssal Realm and even to the lower reaches of other Outer Planes.