
Name: Zephyr Infernus   Personality: Zephyr is charismatic and insightful, often dedicating a customer's needs and desires with just a glance. He's a skilled negotiator who enjoys the dance of haggling, but he also has a soft spot for those in genuine need, often giving them better deals than they might find elsewhere.   Physical Descriptor: Zephyr has green skin and stands 6 feet tall with a lean, muscular build. His eyes are a striking gold, and two small horns curve back from his forehead. He keeps his black hair short and stylish. Zephyr dresses in fine suits that are both elegant and practical, with pockets and hidden compartments for various magical items.   Job: He is the owner and operator of The Mystic Trove, a shop specializing in selling and procuring magical items.   Reason for Job: Zephyr became a dealer of magical items to seek out and preserve artifacts of significant power. He believes such items should be used for the greater good or kept away from those who use them for harm.   Skills/Abilities: Beyond a keen eye for the true value of magical items, Zephyr possesses a natural affinity for enchantment magic, allowing him to verify the authenticity and properties of items. He also has a knack for languages, speaking several fluently, which aids in negotiations and deciphering ancient texts.
Neutral Good
Current Residence
The Mystic Trove magic shop
Ruled Locations