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Harvesting and Using Trophies

In order to harvest trophies you must posses the feat Harvest Parts:

Harvest Parts (Item Creation)

You can extract the choicest parts from a monster’s carcass to use as resources when crafting items.

Prerequisite(s): Craft (any) 1 rank or Heal 1 rank or Survival 1 rank.
  Benefit(s): Canny scavengers and survivalists know how to reap nature’s bounty. Eggs, furs, and ivory of exotic beasts are well-known commodities, but some people have also studied the mystical sympathy between certain creatures and different forms of magic. To the right buyer, these components are valuable as more exotic materials.   At their most basic, trophies function as art objects. Whether an adventurer seeks to mount a dragon’s head on the wall of his home, craft a necklace from a claw harvested from every beast he has slain, or simply make new arrows from the teeth of a fallen foe, the process is much the same—the valuable commodity must first be harvested from the creature.   Note that some cultures have taboos against harvesting parts from humanoids and monstrous humanoids or certain other creature types. Other societies may view the taking of trophies from intelligent creatures, endangered specimens, or even from plentiful game as abhorrent. Characters might need to be careful to avoid insulting such groups if they don’t want to find themselves in an unnecessary conflict. At the GM’s discretion, harvesting trophies (particularly in the case of trophies taken from innocents, intelligent creatures, or outsiders) should have alignment repercussions.

Harvesting trophies

In order to harvest and preserve a trophy from a kill, a character must attempt three checks: one to determine what parts of the creature are worth harvesting for a trophy, one to determine if she successfully harvests the trophy components without damaging or ruining them, and one to turn the components into a permanent trophy.   Identifying Trophies: To identify what portions of a creature have value as trophies, a character must succeed at a Knowledge check determined by the creature type, as normal. The DC for this check is equal to 15 + the creature’s CR. This examination takes 1 minute to perform.   Harvesting Trophy Components: Once a character identifies potential trophies, she must attempt a skill check to harvest the relevant components. A survival, heal, or Craft (Taxidermy) check are appropriate. The DC for this check is equal to 15 + the creature’s CR. Harvesting trophy components generally takes 10 minutes of work (at the GM’s discretion, this could be as much as 1 hour of work for creatures whose bodies are particularly difficult to work with).   Creating Trophies: Once trophy components are harvested, they generally remain viable for 24 hours before decay or spoilage ruins them. Application of gentle reposeor similar magic can extend this period of decay. In order to turn components harvested from a creature into a long-lasting trophy, a character must attempt a check with a Craft skill (alchemy or taxidermy) to preserve the components and turn them into a trophy. The DC of this check is equal to 15 + the creature’s CR.  

Trophy Weight

See details here

Selling Trophies

See details here  

Magical Affinities of Trophies

Certain creatures provide trophy components that, once processed into actual trophies, are exceptionally useful for the construction of alchemical or magic items. When used as raw materials for the crafting of alchemical or magic items, these trophies are worth more than their normal values for the purposes of calculating the total gp needed to craft the item.
The list linked here details trophy uses for a wide range of creature categories.This list is not intended to be exhaustive, and GMs should feel free to add specific affinities to a creature as their campaigns demand. Identifying and creating trophies to be used for alchemical or magical creations is the same as identifying and creating trophies to be used as art. Harvesting however, is slightly different and more difficult since the magical affinities of the component has to be preserved.
Harvesting trophies for alcemical and magical use: In order to harvest trophy components into a trophy usable for its magical affinities Survival, Heal or Caft (Taxidermy) are not enough: a character must posses at least 3 ranks in a specific Knowledge according to the creature, as detailed in the linked list under recovery. Creating a trophy to be used in this way is more difficult than creating one to simply be an art object: the DC to create a magical affinity trophy is equal to 20 + the creature’s CR. If a creature’s trophy components fall into multiple categories (such as an erinyes), the character can choose which of the associated skills to use to craft the trophy.
Affinities: The magical uses for a trophy in the construction of alchemical or magic items are listed in the linked list. When a trophy is incorporated into raw materials, its gp value is considered to be 20% greater than normal.  

Related Feats:


Haunt Scavenger (Item Creation)

You can harvest and use spiritual essence to craft magic items.
Prerequisite(s): Any one item creation feat or Craft (alchemy) 3 ranks.
Benefit(s): You can harvest the ectoplasmic remains of haunts, incorporeal undead, or the like just as you harvest parts from material beings.   Whenever you encounter a recently neutralized haunt, the remains of an incorporeal undead creature, or the remains of a creature that has the ability to possess another creature using a racial spell-like ability or supernatural ability (such as a ghost or a shadow demon), you can attempt to harvest material components from those remains. You must have access to an alchemist’s lab in order to extract components from a haunt or creature, and you must begin extracting these components within 10 minutes of the haunt or creature’s death or destruction. After 10 minutes, the components have degraded too much to be of any use to you.   Harvesting components with this feat can take several hours. Performing at least 1 minute of work extracting components from a haunt or creature prevents its material components from degrading further for 24 hours, allowing you to safely suspend and resume harvesting these components without fear of subsequent degradation. This ectoplasmic residue is portable once the extraction work begins, provided you have a vial to contain the source residue (the actual amount of residue is never much, physically, but the value of the components you can extract from the residue increases with the power of the original haunt or creature).   Material components harvested with Haunt Scavenger can be used in place of the material components of enchantment or necromancy spells and extracts, provided they are of equal or greater value compared to the spell’s normal material components. Additionally, they can be used in place of actual gold to fund the construction of a magic item with an enchantment or necromancy aura.  

Grisly Ornament (Item Creation)

You adorn your gear with mementos from your foes.
Prerequisite(s): Harvest Parts.   Benefit(s): You can attempt a Craft check to craft a special type of trophy called an ornament from part of a creature that’s been dead for less than an hour. You take a –4 penalty on this check if you or an ally didn’t slay the creature. You can craft one ornament per character level per day. Each corpse provides enough material for one ornament plus one additional ornament per size category above Medium. You can wear one ornament in each magic item slot not already occupied by another item. When you craft an ornament, you choose whether it affects Armor Class, attack rolls, CMB, CMD, saving throws, or skill checks. The ornament provides a morale bonus equal to the monster’s CR divided by 4 (round down, minimum 1) to the selected statistic against creatures of the same creature type as the source of the ornament. This bonus increases by 1 against creatures of the exact same variety (so a red dragon’s talon provides the increased bonus against red dragons but not all dragons). An ornament remains effective for 1 day, plus 1 additional day for every 5 by which you exceed the DC to craft it. You can give ornaments to others.  

Monstrous Crafter (Item Creation)

  You can weave pieces of beasts into your magic items.
Prerequisite(s): Grisly Ornament, Harvest Parts.   Benefit(s): Whenever you use the Grisly Ornament feat, you can permanently integrate one ornament you have crafted using the harvested creature parts into a magical item. The ornament grants no ongoing benefits, but once per day you can activate an integrated ornament as a free action to gain its full benefits for 1 minute. You can integrate an ornament into any magical objects that you can create (or replace an item’s existing ornament) by spending 8 hours of work and 100 gp × the creature’s CR.

Other Related Traits and Abilities:

Extispicy (Arcanist Exploit)
The Arcanist can read anomalies in animal entrails to predict or divine future events. Organs inspected include the liver, intestines, and lungs.
After slaying a monster or acquiring a corpse of an animal that was dead for less than an hour (worth min. of 5gp), the arcanist can spend 1 point of its arcane reservoir in order to perform an extispicy. The short ceremony takes 10 minutes, and at the end of it you may roll a single d20. At any point before the end of the day or before your next extispacy (what ever comes sooner), you may use the result of this roll instead of the result of any d20 roll you are required to make.
Harvesting and Using Trophies  
  • New feat: Harvest Parts
  • Harvesting Trophies
  • Trophy Weight
  • Selling Trophies
  • Magical Affinities of Trophies
  • New Feat: Haunt Scavenger
  • New Feat: Grisly Ornament
  • New Feat: Monstrous Crafter
  • New Arcanist Exploit: Extispicy

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