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Kits, Packs and Tools - a variant house rule

Personal Kits

  Every adventurer needs his personal stuff. The adventurer's personal kit includes all her personal equipment: usually a set of clothing, backpack, bedroll, a simple belt pouch, personal hygiene items [small mirror, comb, soap, razor etc.], mess kit and a waterskin. As a general guide-point, your personal kit will have private items you usually do not share, and items specific to your class. p. If the Class requires a special item (holy symbol, musical instruments etc.), it is usually included in the personal kit. For example, a spell caster's personal kit includes a spell components pack, paper, ink and pens. A bard's personal kit will have a musical instrument, paper, ink and pens. Clerics, Druids and Paladins etc. will have holy symbols, prayer books, papers, pens and ink. A rogue's personal kit will include a set of thieves tolls. If the character has a mount, familiar or animal companion, the kit will include a saddle, saddle packs and a bit and bridle if needed. If you are not sure what your personal kit includes ask your GM. To find the cost of your personal kit, look for the kit based on your class in the Pathfinder SRD. Once you find it, reduce the cost and weight of the kit by 1/2. Small creatures reduce the kit's weight by 3/4.      

Adventuring Kits

Common Adventuring Kit

Common adventuring kits usually include such items needed to survive either in wilderness or in dungeons: sacks, flasks and other containers, lanterns, torches, oil, flint and still, trail rations, waterskins, animal feed, chains, locks, hemp ropes, pitons, hammers, grappling hooks, caltrops, chalks, candles, papers or journal, ink, pen, strings, hunting and fishing gear, firewood, pots and pans, small tents, simple maps, journals of fauna and flora etc. As a general guide point, any mundane adventuring gear that is worth less than 15gp may reasonably be included in the kit  

Deluxe Adventuring Kit

A deluxe adventuring kit is similar to the common one, but will also include some alchemical special items such as tindertwigs, sunrods, alchemists fire, water purification sponge and any other alchemical item worth 30gp or less. The deluxe adventuring kit will also include any mundane item that would be included in the common kit as well as other mundane items worth up to 30gp, such as wine, deluxe trail rations, silk ropes etc.   TABLE: ADVENTURING KITS  
Kit Type # of Uses Cost Weight Equipment Limit Skill Check Bonuses
Common Adventuring Kit 10 40gp 40lb Mundane equipment worth up to 15gp +2 climb
+2 survival
+2 Knowledge (dungeoneering)
+2 Knowledge (nature)
Custom Adventuring Kit 1 5gp 4lb Mundane equipment worth up to 15gp +2 climb
+2 survival
+2 Knowledge (dungeoneering)
+2 Knowledge (nature)
Deluxe Adventuring Kit 10 120gp 50lb Mundane equipment and alchemical creations worth up to 30gp +2 Perception
+2 climb
+2 survival
+2 Knowledge (dungeoneering)
+2 Knowledge (nature)
Custom Deluxe Adventuring Kit 1 15gp 5lb Mundane equipment and alchemical creations worth up to 30gp +2 Perception
+2 climb
+2 survival
+2 Knowledge (dungeoneering)
+2 Knowledge (nature)

Using Adventuring Kits

  A group of characters may buy a common or deluxe adventuring kit for the prices mentioned in the Table: Adventuring Kits. The typical and cheapest kit comes with 10 uses, but the characters can decide to spend more or less gold in order to purchase a kit with as many uses as they wish, which will also increase or decrease the weight they have to carry. Every day spent in the wilderness or in a dungeon, outside the comfort of a settlement, roadside inn etc., will cost one use of the Adventuring Kit per 4 characters or less. A deluxe kit may support up to 8 characters per usage. This daily use represents food, camping equipment, basic rope usage and illumination as well as the supply of common arrows/bolts necessary for the company's needs and more. As a rule, the party can use any mundane adventuring gear that costs less than 5gp (15gp with a deluxe kit) without spending additional uses from the kit.   With a common adventuring kit, every time the party wants to use a mundane equipment piece that costs more than 5gp and up to 15gp, it will cost them a single kit usage in addition to the daily one. With a deluxe adventuring kit, the party can use a mundane or alchemical item that costs between 15gp and 30gp, by spending a single usage from the kit, while any mundane adventuring gear that costs less than 15gp is included in the daily single usage. Adventuring equipment that costs more than 30gp has to be bought separately.   You may also spend one use of a common adventuring kit in order to gain one of the following bonuses:   +2 circumstance bonus on a single climb check
+2 circumstance bonus on a single survival check
+2 circumstance bonus on a single Knowledge (dungeoneering) or Knowledge (nature) check
With a deluxe adventuring kit you can also spend one use of the kit for a +2 circumstance bonus on a single Perception Check in dungeons or in wilderness.
The adventuring kits do not include the following: equipment of any kind that costs more than 30gp; weapons (except common arrows/bolts), shields, armor, animals and other living things, magical equipment and other stuff players probably want them to contain.

Other Kits and Tools

Other Kits might be helpful or in some cases necessary to complete specific tasks. Most of these are related to various craft and profession skills or to a character's way of life. Some kits and tools, such as Healer's kit, Disguise kit, Thieves tools an artisans tools might be very helpful for a group of adventurers. In addition to those make sure to check the tools and kits in the pathfinder SRD for other interesting, but very specific oriented kits. If you are not sure if a kit or a tools set is helpful or needed consult your GM.

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