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Shalelu Andosana

Shalelu Andosana isn’t quite a bounty hunter, a survivalist, or a mercenary, but rather a mix of all three. The elven woman passes through Sandpoint once or twice a season to buy supplies and never remains more than a few days, always staying in the same room at the Rusty Dragon free of charge thanks to her long friendship with Ameiko Kaijitsu . On each visit, she meets with Sheriff Belor Hemlock and Mayor Kendra Deverin for a few hours at the garrison to give a report on the state of the hinterlands before she leaves town again, a pouch of gold at her side. Both Hemlock and Deverin value Shalelu’s reports, since they provide unbiased insight into how the local farmlands are faring and keep the town council abreast of burgeoning dangers in the region.  

Shalelu's Goblin Lore

While on the way back to Sandpoint the party has met Shalelu and she shared with you some of the region's lore about goblins.

GOBLIN TRIBES: There are five major goblin tribes in the region. The closest to Sandpoint are the Birdcruncher goblins, who live in caves along the western edge of the Devil's Platter , although traditionally these goblins are the least aggressive of the five. To the south are the Licktoad goblins of the Brinestump Marsh, pests who are excellent swimmers. East are the Seven Tooth goblins of Shank's Wood , goblins who’ve secured a place for themselves by raiding Sandpoint’s junkyard and rebuilding the stolen refuse into armor and weapons. Farther east are the Mosswood goblins, likely the largest tribe but one traditionally held back by feuding families within their own ranks. And finally, there are the Thistletop goblins, who live on the Nettlewood coast atop a small island that some say holds a passing resemblance to a decapitated head.

GOBLIN HEROES: Goblins generally live short, violent lives. It’s unusual for a single goblin to achieve any real measure of notoriety, but when one does, it’s well earned. Currently, six goblins in the region enjoy the status of “hero.”
Big Gugmut is an unusually muscular and tall goblin from Mosswood who, it is said, had a hobgoblin for a mother and a wild boar for a father.
Koruvus is a champion of the Seven Tooth tribe, as well known for his short temper as he is for his prized possession—a magic longsword sized for a human that the goblin stubbornly kept as his own (despite the fact that it was too large for him to properly wield). Shalelu suspects that Koruvus vanished several weeks ago. She heard the tribe's goblins whisper of a “secret hideout” in a cave along the cliffs where he remains, a ghost or worse, waiting to murder any goblin who tries to discover him.
Vorka is a notorious goblin cannibal who lives in the Brinestump marsh, a “hero” mostly to goblins other than the Licktoad tribe.
Rendwattle Gutwad is the obese chieftain of the Brinestump goblins, a corpulent monster who, it is said, never leaves his throne.
Ripnugget became a hero of the Thistletop Goblins when he killed a harpy. Later, when the trib's warchief died of rabies, Ripnugget took over the throne room. He now controls what the five tribes agree is the best lair. By his ruthlessness and charisma and by the guidance of the tribe's spiritual leader Wise Gogmurt, he had led the Thisteltop goblins to become the strongest tribe in the region, and all other tribes send them gifts and tributes.
And then there’s Bruthazmus, an infamous bugbear ranger who lives in northern Nettlewood and often visits the five tribes to trade things he’s stolen from caravans for alcohol, news, or magic arrows. Bruthazmus has a particular hatred of elves, and he and Shalelu had fought on several occasions. To date, neither of them has managed to get the upper hand on the other, but Shalelu bitterly vows that she won’t be the first to fall in their private war.

WISE ONES: a wise goblin is a rarity, and when a goblin is found to be wiser than the rest of the tribe, it usually leads to fear, and fear lead to violent acts that usually end with the wiser goblin dead. If a wise goblin reaches adulthood however, he may become highly respected, sometimes even by goblins not of his tribe. Currently there are three wise goblins in the region.
  Knuckelbones - a shaman of the Birdcruncher tribe, Knucklebones is said to be more than 60 years old, and that he can commune with spirits of dead birds. He knows the tunnels of the Devil's Platter better than anyone.
Wise Gogmurt - truly and uncharacteristically wise, the Druid Gogmurt is a spiritual leader for the Thisteltop tribe. He speaks of two divine powers living and constantly fighting under Thistletop island. which he calls "The Howler" isevil, and to appease him the goblins sacrifice animals, birds and human captives. "The howling" is the tribes protector, and the goblins sacrifice their own in hope it will protect them from the Howler.
Vraxa is a witch living in brinestump swamps. She is a healer with some prophetic powers. Goblins of all tribes travel to consult with her before making big decisions.
Year of Birth
4581 126 Years old

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