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Skald Sagas

Skald Sagas

Sagas are oral stories and poems, ranging in length from a few verses to a complex epic story. Although not magical by themselves, when performed by a Skald they become a specialized application of his raging song ability infused with the Skald's arcane powers. Sagas function much like bardic masterpieces but are available only to skalds. Sagas are never purely artistic constructs; they are designed to preserve lore or commemorate historical figures and events, and are usually based in fact. Sagas therefore often require ranks in various Knowledge skills as well as Linguistics and other skills as a prerequisite.

Sagas can be created by the Skald himself or memorized from Saga Scrolls. A skald can create or memorize a number of sagas that equals his Charisma modifier. Once per level he may replace one memorized saga with a new one.


Learning Sagas from Saga Scrolls

Skalds recorded historical figures and events through their Sagas and these oral masterpieces were sometimes committed into writing and copied by scholars into Saga Scrolls. These written accounts are not magical, but a literate Skald may be able to learn the nuances and rhymes of the copied saga and gain its benefits.

Saga Scrolls are quite rare, but they could be found in the possession of sages, lore-keepers, libraries etc. The cost of a saga scroll equals the saga level X 100 gp. The well known Arrowsong's Saga, for example, is a level 3 saga and purchasing a Saga Scroll with this saga should typically cost 300gp. The price may change based on the seller relations with the buyer. Some saga scrolls, for example those collected in a library, will probably not be for sale at all. However, although the Skald needs to read the scroll to memorize it, he does not need to own the Saga Scroll.

To memorize a saga scroll and to understand its rhymes, nuances and deeper meanings a Skald needs to know the language the Saga Scroll is written in. The skald does not need to be on the same level as the Saga-level or higher, nor does he have to fulfill all the prerequisites needed to activate the saga in order to memorize it. He may memorize the saga, and perform it at a later stage when he is able to fulfill all of its prerequisites.

Memorizing a Saga Scroll

To find out how much time it takes to memorize a saga from a saga scroll follow these steps:

Step 1. Define the cost of the Saga Scroll in gp (Saga Level X 100gp).

Step 2. Make a Linguistics check that represents a full day (8 hours) of concentrating on the Saga Scroll. The DC for the check equals 15 + the Saga Level. For example, a level 4 Saga, will have a DC of 19. If your check failed, you did not manage to understand the deeper layers and literary powers of the Saga, and you may try again when you gain a new level. If any skill is required to activate the Saga beside its performance skills, and you have at least 1 rank in that skill, you gain a +1 bonus on the Linguistics check for each of these extra skill prerequisites.

Step 3. If you succeed on the check, multiply your result by the Linguistics check DC. The multiplication result represents the efficiency of your work. If it equals or surpassed the saga's cost in gp (i.e. saga level X 100), you managed to memorize the Saga in one day. If it is less than the saga's cost in gp, you will have to spend more days on the Saga. Subtract the multiplication value from the Saga Scroll cost and the result represent how much you still have to progress to finish memorizing the Saga Scroll. Repeat steps 2 and 3.

Example: Sigrun the Skald found a Saga Scroll of the famous Saga of the Fallen Priest-King in the Library of the Black Staff. This is a level 10 saga. The cost of buying the Saga Scroll is 1000gp. Sigrun, however, does not plan on buying the scroll, instead she will visit the library every day. The Linguistics DC to memorize the scroll is 25 (15 + Saga level). Failing the check means that Sigrun cannot memorize the Saga before gaining a new level. Sigrun has +8 on linguistics skill checks, and since activating the Saga requires Knowledge (History) and she has ranks in that skill too, she gains another +1 bonus for the check; altogether a +9. Sigrun's player rolls the check and gets a total result of 26, which represents a success in Sigrun's first 8 hours of study. The player now multiplies the result by the DC: 25x26= 650. The result of 650 is less than the 1000gp Saga Scroll cost, which means Sigrun will have to spend at least another day in the Library of the Black Staff. On the next day Sigrun visits the library again, and her player rolls a linguistics check once more. The DC for the check is the same as before. Like failure on the first check, failing the 2ed check would mean that Sigrun failed memorizing the saga and will have to wait until she gains a new level to try again. Her player, luckily, rolled a 25, which is a success. The player then multiplies 25x25=625. Together with the result of 650 from the previous day, Sigrun has surpassed the Saga Scroll cost of 1000gp, which means she finally memorized it.

Creating a New Saga

Skalds record events such as heroic battles and the deeds of great leaders, not from hearsay and copied legends, but from the actual front line. Since the skald must witness first hand the events he records in his saga, recording the exploits of heroes and leaders in great Sagas is the greatest of honors for the skald himself. A skald’s poetry is nuanced and often has multiple overlapping meanings, and composing a true saga is an achievement that not every Skald is capable of.  
Creating a Saga
A skald can only create sagas of level equal or lower than his skald level and he must fulfill all the prerequisites of its activation in order to create it. A skald may choose to create a saga in a level lower than he is. To compose a new Saga a skald must have ranks in Artistry ( New Skill: Artistry ). Creating a saga uses the same process as creating any other artistic project with the Artistry Skill.

When you create your own sagas, you can duplicate one of the example sagas offered below or create a new saga using the example sagas as guide lines. If you choose to create something completely new, try to relate it to the past heroic acts and events of your skald's party. Consult your GM on new sagas that you create.

When creating a saga, determine its value by looking at the table below, then follow the listed steps. The DC to create a Saga equals 15 + Saga level.
Saga Quality DC Value
Masterful 15-19 250
Legendary 20-24 500
Epic 25-29 1000
Mythic +30 2000

To determine how much time it takes to complete the saga, follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the DC and value corresponding to the quality of the saga you intend to create (The DC to create a Saga equals 15 + Saga level).

Step 2: Attempt an Artistry check with the appropriate DC, representing 1 week’s worth of work. If you succeed, multiply your check result by the DC. If the resulting value equals the value of the item, then you have completed the saga. If the resulting value doesn’t equal the saga value, then it represents the progress you’ve made this week. If the check fails, you make no progress.

Step 3: If you didn’t complete the saga, you can continue working for another week. Record the result of your check from the previous weeks, and add your progress for each subsequent week to the total until you complete the item by capping its full value.


The Sagas

Activating a saga always includes a performance and costs a certain spell slot and a use of a minimum of 1 Raging Song round. Activating a saga may require anything from a standard action to a long chant, dance or monologue of several hours. Anyone who can hear or see the saga might be affected, there is usually no limit to the effect area.   A saga has audible and or visual components, depending on the performance used to activate them. The targets must be able to hear the skald for a saga activated by Perform (oratory, sing, wind, string, percussion) to have any effect. Saga activated only by Perform (oratory and/or sing) are always language dependent and other sagas might also be language dependent (as noted in their description). A deaf skald has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use a saga with audible component activated by Perform (oratory, sing, wind, string, percussion). If he fails this check, the attempt still costs him the spell slot and Raging Song uses needed for the activation of the saga. Deaf creatures are immune to sagas with audible components. If a saga is activated by perform (dance) it has a visual component. The targets must have line of sight to the skald for the saga to have any effect. A blind skald has a 50% chance to fail when attempting to activate a saga with a visual component. If he fails this check, the attempt still costs him the spell slot and Raging Song uses needed for the activation of the saga. Blind creatures are immune to sagas with visual components activated by perform (dace).     Sagas in the list below are examples. Your Skald may find or create other sagas related to your past adventures. Sagas descriptions adhere to the following guidelines:

Saga Name (saga level)

short description

Prerequisites: Like feats, sagas have prerequisites that a Skald must meet in order to learn them. Only Skalds may learn sagas

Effect: This brief description summarizes what occurs when a Skald performs the saga. Unless otherwise stated, a saga’s effects are supernatural. Unwilling creatures may attempt a Will save against the effect of a saga; the save DC for sagas is equal to 10 + 1/2 the Skald’s level + the Skald's Charisma bonus.

Saving Throw ; Spell Resistance: if the creatures affected by the saga performance have a saving throw it will be listed in this line. If the Saga need to pass Spell resistance it will also be recorded here. The DC of a saga's effects are 10 + Saga level + the Cha bonus of the saga performer.

Activation: Performing a saga infuses the Skald's Raging Song with his arcane powers. This line specifies what spell level slot should be expended in order to manifest the saga's powers and how many raging song rounds the Skald must use to activate it. The Skald expends the listed spell slot and the number of raging song uses when he starts performing the saga. The Skald can spend a spell slot of a level higher than the listed level to activate the saga (for example, spending a 4th-level spell to activate a saga that requires spending a 3rd-level spell).
Maintaining: In some cases, the Skald can or needs to extend the duration of the saga effect by expending additional rounds of raging song. Maintaining a saga is a free action. Once the Skald stops maintaining the saga its effects stop.
Optional: In most sagas there are optional variants that allow the skald to increase the number of affcted creature, change granted bonuses etc.

Action: This line indicates the type of action performing the saga requires. Many sagas take a few rounds or even minutes to recite, but some are merely short verses or poems. If it only requires a standard action to activate a saga, being able to activate a Raging Song more quickly (at 7th level, activation is a move action, and at 13th, it becomes a swift action) applies to the saga as well. Unless otherwise stated, effects or feats that extend the duration of raging song effects or bardic performance (such as the Lingering Performance feat) do not apply to sagas. Once a sag performance has started, it can be maintined each round as a free action if needed. A saga performance cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the skald is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action each round to maintain it.
Saga of Twisting Steel (level 3)
This medley of tales inspires listeners to new heights of bravery and self sacrifice.
Prerequisite(s): Perform (Sing, oratory or string) 3 ranks, Knowledge (Local) 1 rank
Effect: This collection includes the stories of The Big Sky, The Rabbit Prince, and The Sickness, among others. When you complete the performance, choose one adjacent creature. You and that creature are affected as if you had cast shield other.
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
Activation: 1st level spell, 3 Rage Song rounds.
Action: 3 rounds.
Pool of Bubbling Wrath (level 3)

This verse, written by Ionus of Sandpoint, emulates something from the ancient Thassilonians' command of rage, which allowed them to distill it into a form that would long outlast their civilization.   Prerequisite(s): Perform (oratory or sing) 3 ranks, Knowledge (History) 2 ranks.
Effect: Choose one target to imbue it with a low burning rage. While the effect is barely noticeable normally, when the target feels it's attack connect with an enemy a momentary burst of ferocity overtakes her. When you finish the saga, for three minutes, the target receives a +2 morale bonus to melee damage; if the target scores a confirmed critical hit with a melee attack, the ferocity is so intense the attack also makes the enemy Shaken for 1 round. The Shaken condition from this saga is a mind-affecting fear effect.
Activation: 1st level spell, 2 raging song rounds.
Optional: Affect more creatures by spending 1 raging song round per creature. 
Action: 2 rounds

Arrowsong’s Saga (level 3)

This short poem or verse, provides great insight into ones self powers and abilities
Prerequisite(s): Perform (oratory or wind) 3 ranks, Knowledge (nature) or Survival 1 rank.   Effect: The saga of the great hunter-poet Arrowsong of the Icewind tribes. This saga inspires fervor into the hearts of listeners. Affected allies gain a +1 competence bonus on ranged attack and damage rolls and a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws.
Activation: 1st level spell, 3 Raging Song uses
Maintaining: +1 use of raging song per round the saga is maintained
Action: Standard Action
Saga of the Lingering Orc Chief (Level 4)
This clever song gives its listeners a better chance of surviving trauma.
Prerequisites: Perform (sing or percussion) 4 ranks, speak Orc.   Effect: You sing or chant simple Orc phrases in a distinctive series of notes. The Skald and 2 allies immediately gain a number of temporary hit points equal to half your skald level. These temporary points are lost first when the target takes damage. The skald may choose to affect more allies by expending a Raging Song use per every ally affected beyond the first two   Activation: 2ed level spell, 3 raging song rounds Optional: Spend 1 Raging Song use per ally affected beyond the 2ed one.   Activation: Full round.
The Saga of Vassa the Giant Healer (Level 4)
This delicate tune suggests vigor and health
Prerequisites: Perform (wind or string) 4 ranks, Heal or Profession (herbalist) 2 rank   Effect: This masterpiece grants three allies fast healing 1 for as long as the skald maintains the saga performance. The Skald may choose to add more allies to be affected by expending an extra use of raging song per ally beyond the first three. He may increase the cost per round of the performance up to a total number equal to half his skald level to increase the fast healing by 1 for each additional round expended.   Activation: 2ed level spell slot, 2 Raging Song uses Maintaining: + 1 Raging Song use per round. Optional 1: Spend 1 Raging Song use per ally affected beyond the first three. Optional 2: Increase fast healing rate by 1 per additional use of raging song expended per turn and up to Raging Song uses per turn equal to the skald's half level.   Action: 1 standard action.
The Scholar's Respite (Level 4)
A short tale on the merits of studious endeavors that inspires the audience with new insights into the subject matter. Those who listen become more receptive to knowledge.
Prerequisite(s): Perform (oratory) 4 ranks, Knowledge (History) or Spellcraft 2 ranks   Effect: Upon completion of your tale, anyone who listened to your performance gains a +4 insight bonus on Knowledge checks to perform research in a library, and on Spellcraft checks to identify the properties of magic items. This bonus lasts for 1 day. At anytime while the saga effect lasts, a person under its effect may dismiss the benefits it grants, and gain a +4 bonus on a spellcraft check to identify a spell as it is being cast. The Saga is language dependent.   Activation: 2ed level spell, 2 rounds of Raging Song.   Action: 5 minutes
The Tragedy of False Hope (Level 4)
This short rhyme reminds those around you of how danger was ignored in expectation of Aroden's return.
Prerequisite: Perform (sing, percussion) 4 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 2 ranks   Effect: You create a feeling of deceptive confidence in an enemy. When you activate this saga, one target within 30 feet becomes flat-footed for as long as you maintain the performance (Will negates). For every raging song use you spend each round you may add another target to the effects. You must choose how many targets to affect on your first round. You cannot add more targets later, although on consecutive rounds you may release targets from the effect and thus spend less raging song uses.If you target a creature that has not yet acted in a surprise round, the creature does not get to act in the surprise round. Any target with the uncanny dodge class feature or an ability with a similar effect is immune to this saga effect. This is a mind-affecting emotion effect.
Saving Throw Will negates ; Spell Resistance yes   Activation: 2ed level spell, 2 raging song uses
Maintaining: 1 raging song use per round
Optional: +1 raging song use per round for every extra affected creature   Action: 1 standard action.  
Ballad of the Homesick Wanderer (Level 5)
This poem of sadness and longing was developed by a skald seeking to fight summoned creatures without violence. Its otherworldly lyrics drive outsiders to return to their planes of origin.
Prerequisite(s): Perform (oratory, sing or wind) 5 ranks; ability to speak at least two languages of Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, or Terran.   Effect: This mournful poem beckons outsiders back to the plane on which they were spawned, making them pine for their true home. Any summoned non-native outsiders who can hear this performance must succeed at a Will save or feel compelled to return to their home plane. If the performer can’t speak the native tongue of the outsider’s home plane, the outsider gains a +4 bonus on its Will save against this effect.   If an outsider fails its save, each round of the performance expends 2 rounds of the remaining duration of any spell or effect that summoned that creature to the current plane (in addition to the normal duration that passes each round).   Called outsiders who fail their Will saves against this saga take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and saving throws for the performance’s duration.   Saving Throw Will negates ; Spell Resistance yes
Activation: 2ed level spell, 5 Raging song rounds Maintaining: 1 use of Rage Song per round   Activation: 1 full round.  
Illusion’s Decree (Level 5)
These stories of wiliness and mystery inspire listeners to see through deceptions.
  Prerequisite(s): Perform (oratory) 5 ranks and Spellcraft or Insight 2 ranks   Effect: These tales include the stories of The Marriage, The Queen Mother, and The Rakshasa, among others. While performing this saga, the skald gains a +4 bonus on saving throws to disbelieve illusions for the next hour. You can expend 1 round of raging song for each ally other than yourself whom you want to gain this bonus. The Saga is language dependent.   Activation: 2ed level spell + 4 raging song uses Optional: expend 1 raging song per ally affected beyond the skald himself.   Action: 1 full round.  
This house rule is based on the official Bardic Masterpiecesand Skald Sagas.

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