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(a.k.a. Cracklefist)

'Ello guvna, let me tell ya 'bout Braithcart "Cracklefist". 'E's a bleedin' devoted cultist of the Goblin deity Hadregash. They sent 'im out to find and nick Chymrakhash, the tosser who stole a sacred symbol of the god. Braithcart's convinced that if 'e don't catch the bloke, 'e'll be dishonourin' 'is deity. So, 'e's willin' to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Now, Braithcart ain't just some nutter with a stick, nah, 'e's a proper fighter-sorcerer blend. The geezer's a right skilled combatant, but it's 'is bleedin' magical abilities that make 'im deadly. 'E's honed 'is body and mind through intense training and devotion to Hadregash. That's what makes 'im such a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.   When it comes to brawlin', Braithcart's got a mean right hook that crackles with electrical energy, channelin' the power of 'is god. And 'e ain't just good at punchin' either, nah, 'e can cast spells that mess with lightning and other elemental forces, leavin' 'is enemies quakin' in their boots.   This fella's a bleedin' zealot, I tell ya. 'E thinks 'e's some righteous warrior fightin' for 'is god, and 'e ain't got no time for anyone who don't share 'is beliefs. Braithcart ain't scared to throw down and get violent if it means gettin' the job done, but don't think 'e's some brainless thug. Nah, 'e's a crafty fighter who's always lookin' for the edge in a scrap.   But even with all 'is devotion to Hadregash, Braithcart's still got 'is faults. 'E's got a temper like a bleedin' volcano, and 'e sometimes lets 'is emotions get the best of 'im. And let me tell ya, the geezer's got a deep-seated fear of failin', which means 'e'll push 'imself to the brink of exhaustion to get the job done.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Oi, listen up ya blokes, lemme tell ya 'bout Braithcart "Cracklefist". Now, Braithcart weren't always a bleedin' cultist, nah. 'E was born in the rough-and-tumble streets of East End, a proper tough neighbourhood where ya gotta fight to survive. See, Braithcart was a right scrappy kid, always gettin' into scraps and dust-ups with the other lads. But 'e was smart too, a quick learner, and 'e soon learned 'ow to fight dirty and come out on top.   As 'e got older, Braithcart started hangin' out with a dodgy crowd. Started doin' some jobs for 'em, runnin' errands and the like. But then one day, 'e got caught nickin' somethin' from a fancy shop. Got sent to the clink for a few years.   It was in the clink that Braithcart found religion, so to speak. Some of the other cons was into this goblin cult, and they started talkin' to 'im about it. The idea of a god who favoured the underdog, the little guy, well, it appealed to Braithcart.   When 'e got out, 'e threw 'imself into the cult. Started trainin' like crazy, learnin' 'ow to fight and cast spells. Before long, 'e was one of the top guys in the cult. They gave 'im the nickname "Cracklefist" 'cause of the way 'is fists crackled with lightning when 'e fought.   Now, Braithcart's on a mission to catch this Chymrakhash bloke who nicked a sacred symbol of the god. And 'e won't rest until 'e's caught the bloke and brought 'im to justice. 'E's willin' to do whatever it takes, even if it means gettin' into some serious trouble.   That's the story of Braithcart "Cracklefist", a proper East End boy turned goblin cultist.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Well, let me tell ya, Braithcart "Cracklefist" ain't no slouch when it comes to accomplishin' things. The bloke's a right proper fighter and sorcerer, able to take on just about anyone and come out on top. First off, 'e's one of the top guys in the goblin cult, which ain't no easy feat. They don't let just any old bloke in, ya know. But Braithcart's proven 'imself time and time again, takin' on tough missions and comin' back successful.   And let me tell ya, 'e's done some pretty impressive things in 'is time. I've seen 'im take on entire gangs of toughs and come out on top. I've seen 'im cast spells that could knock ya flat on yer arse, and then follow it up with a few swift punches to finish ya off.   But 'is biggest accomplishment, I reckon, is the fact that 'e's on a mission to catch this Chymrakhash bloke. Now, Chymrakhash ain't no pushover. 'E's a right sneaky fella, always on the run, and 'e's got some powerful friends who ain't too happy with Braithcart right now.   But Braithcart ain't scared. 'E's got the courage of a lion and the determination of a bulldog. 'E'll track down Chymrakhash no matter what, even if it takes 'im years. And when 'e finally catches 'im, well, let's just say Chymrakhash won't be causin' any more trouble for the goblin cult.   That's just a few of Braithcart "Cracklefist's" accomplishments, mate. But trust me, there's plenty more where that came from. The bloke's a real force to be reckoned with.
Grey, Curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
236 lbs

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