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Wrin Sivinxi (Wryn Sevinxi)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Wrin Sivinxi grew up in the small village of Glitterbough in Kyonin, but a traveler wouldn’t find her hometown if they were to visit that nation today, for Glitterbough was destroyed 10 years ago by demons in the service of Treerazer. Despite the loss of her hometown, Wrin feels no sadness or despair about the event, for none perished in Glitterbough’s fall. In the days before the demon army’s attack, Wrin had a vision of the disaster.   She warned her parents and neighbors, and their trust in her visions gave the town the time it needed to relocate everyone in the village to safety. When the demons came, they found Glitterbough deserted, and when they burned it in frustration, they suffered greatly from the magical traps the elves had left behind to greet them.   When she came of age a few years later, Wrin left her parents and friends, eager to find her own place in the world. As she traveled, she trusted in her visions and her unusual faith in a pantheon of deities associated with space and time she refers to as the Cosmic Caravan, looking to the nightly stars to make decisions for tomorrow. Her knack for finding lost things and gathering strange treasures made establishing her own curio shop an obvious choice, and it wasn’t by chance that she decided to set up that shop in Otari—it was simply the port she’d arrived at when her capacity to carry her collection finally outweighed its portability.   She opened her shop, Wrin's Wonders , 4 years ago. In that time, she’s become part of the community, even if many of its citizens regard her as a good-natured eccentric. Sales of the strange and bizarre aren’t brisk in the small town, but that’s no matter to Wrin—she’s patient and has enjoyed her time in Otari so far. One day, she hopes to make enough money to fund a trip west, for she’s heard tell of an abandoned observatory in the small town of Crookcove on Ravounel’s southwestern coast that she hopes to purchase and transform into a temple devoted to the CosmicCaravan. But for the time being, she’s content to stay in Otari and sleep under the stars.   Wrin’s tiefling ancestry is impossible to miss, and it’s something she long ago decided to embrace. Eyes devoid of pupils, small ram horns curling around her elven ears, a thin tail, and fingertips that sparkle with motes of glittering lights leave no doubt that she is touched by supernatural forces. Yet her quick smile and welcoming attitude have always helped her to secure friendships during her travels.

She is polite, welcoming and a good judge of character, though many struggle with her slightly negative attitude, even if she would define it as realism rather than negativity, pointing out that much of what she predicts comes to pass.

Character Location
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Chaotic Good
Current Status
Shopkeeper and fortune teller at Wrin's Wonders
Current Location
Date of Birth
She / Her
White with green streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ruled Locations

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