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Timeline of Cheliax

  • 1520 AR

    1520 AR in politics
    Political event

    The Taldan General Coren of the Third Army of Exploration founds the city of Corentyn near the future site of the Arch of Aroden completing the conquest of southern Avistan.

  • 1975 AR

    1975 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Ulfen raiders in longships conduct hit-and-run attacks against the western coasts of Avistan, advancing as far as the region now known as Cheliax.

  • 2555 AR

    2555 AR in politics
    Political event

    • Tired of the bloody, decades-long Oath Wars, the militia of the city state of Azir, in what is now Rahadoum, sets fire to the temples and bans all religions. This movement is lead by the philosopher Kalim Onaku who establishes what will later be come to known as the Laws of Mortality, the first of which is "Let no mortal be beholden to a god".
    • Thousands of religious refugees flee the country of Rahadoum, crossing the straights into southern Avistan. Many settle in the city of Corentyn, causing great social upheaval.

  • 2606 AR

    Founding in 2606 AR

    Construction is finished on the Arch of Aroden by the Taldan city of Corentyn. It connects the continents of Garund and Avistan and is dedicated to the god Aroden.

  • 3007 AR

    3007 AR in politics
    Political event

    Cheliax is founded as a western frontier province of the Taldan Empire.

  • 4081 AR

    4081 AR in conflicts, people and politics
    Military action

    • The Taldan governor of the province of Cheliax declares independence, and puts himself on the throne of the new nation, calling himself King Aspex the Even-Tongued. In the ensuing decade, in what would become known as the Even-Tongued Conquest, Aspex succeeds in claiming the territories of Andoran as part of the new Chelaxian empire through diplomacy. He also manages to claim Isger and Galt as part of his burgeoning new empire through military force. While Taldor objects, it lacks the military power to oppose him, due to its conflict with its southern neighbor Qadira.
    • According only to contemporary and often unreliable Chelish sources, Alivia Thrune is granted in this year the title Duchess of Central Cheliax by Aspex the Even-Tongued for being his most loyal and capable general.
    • Lastwall declares independence from Taldor, claiming it needs to maintain political neutrality in order to continue guarding Tar-Baphon within his prison of Gallowspire. The newly formed government of Lastwall states that it does not wish to get involved in the growing feud between Cheliax and Taldor. Cheliax supports Lastwall's independence while Taldor objects, but is unable to send its military to intervene.

  • 4091 AR

    4091 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    The Even-Tongued Conquest comes to an end, cementing Cheliax as an independent nation separate from Taldor.

  • 4137 AR

    4137 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    The Chelaxian army lays siege to Absalom for the first time and, like all before, fail to breach the city walls. Undeterred, the army heads southwest, making gains in Garund, and takes control of the Arch of Aroden. This gives Cheliax unprecedented control over the Inner Sea region, as it controls access to it from the west. Cheliax holds the Arch to this day.

  • 4138 AR

    4138 AR in politics
    Political event

    • Emperor Haliad I of Cheliax orders the foundation of the colony of Sargava on the southwestern coast of Garund. Baron Praetorius is appointed governor of the colony.
    • Construction begins by Chelish colonists on a temporary stockade on the future site of Eleder.
    • Sargavan colonists encounter members of the Ijo, Ombo, and Mulaa tribes for the first time.

  • 4142 AR

    4142 AR in politics
    Political event

    • In Tian Xia, Imperial Lung Wa is founded when it unites 10 of the 16 Kingdoms of Shu
    • Prince Haliad I visits Eleder to check the new colony. He names the colony "Sargava" after his favorite horse.

  • 4305 AR

    4305 AR in conflicts
    Military action

    Under the leadership of King Haliad III, the Chelaxian Empire begins an extended period of expansion to the north. It starts by invading Molthune, although Varisia and Nidal will eventually fall as well in the conflict that becomes known as the Everwar.

  • 4388 AR

    4338 AR in conflicts & politics
    Military action

    • As the Everwar rages on, Cheliax finally gains full control over Nidal through diplomacy when the Black Triune surrenders, much to the chagrin of the Umbral Court and the other worshipers of Zon-Kuthon. The alliance between the two nations lasts until the present day, although since the end of the Chelish Civil War, Nidal has once again assumed full control of its own populace.
    • The Nidalese surrender ushers in a period of relative cultural openness in that country known as the Shadowbreak. It will last until 4634 AR.

  • 4402 AR

    4404 AR in politics
    Political event

    Halleck IV, Emperor of Cheliax, commands Field Marshal Jakthion Korvosa to found a colony in the as-yet untamed wilds of Varisia. Admiral Mercatio Kiameleu, longtime rival of Korvosa's, asks and receives a similar charter.

  • 4407 AR

    4410 AR in conflicts, people, politics & deaths.
    Life, Death

    • Cheliax finally abandons its attempted conquests within Varisia and the Hold of Belkzen, bringing an end to the Everwar that had lasted over a hundred years.
    • The settlement of Kiameleu in Varisia is attacked by Shoanti and burnt to the ground.
    • Alivia Thrune is one of many officers promoted to the nobility of Cheliax after the conclusion of the Everwar.
    • Montlarion Jeggare is named second lord magistrate of Korvosa.
    • The town of Veldraine is founded in Varisia.
    • Field Marshall Jakthion Korvosa, founder of the city of Korvosa in Varisia, dies

  • 4407 AR

    4407 AR in conflicts & politics.
    Military action

    • Field Marshall Jakthion Korvosa rescues a stranded group of Chelish marines trapped on Endrin Isle in Varisia.
    • The city of Korvosa in Varisia, then known as Fort Korvosa, is founded by Chelish forces under the authority of King Halleck IV.

  • 4576 AR

    4576 AR in organizations
    Life, Organisation Association

    Daidian Ruel and his group of former soldiers and friends become very effective in hunting down Path of Grace cultists in the Chelish capital of Westcrown, but the cult's influence within the city results in many being quickly released from custody. In response, Ruel and his group resort to vigilante justice and more extreme methods. Widely praised by average citizens, they earn the wrath of the Westcrown Dottari and Ruel is arrested in Sarenith. Freed by his followers, Ruel flees the city only to return to plead his case before King Gaspodar in an impassioned speech. The king recognizes the necessity of setting the city to order before the prophesied coming of Aroden, and pardons Ruel before commissioning him to establish a new knightly order. Ruel accepts the king's commission, but refuses to allow consecration by the church of Aroden. The faithful of Aroden denounce his order and name them the "Hellknights", and the order's legacy would later be revived as the Order of the Rack.

  • 4605 AR

    4605 AR in politics & births
    Life, Birth

    • King Gaspodar of Cheliax prepares for the prophesied appearance of the god Aroden and the beginning of the Age of Glory.
    • Tregellus Aranega, future leader of the Green Faith, is born in the Anferita Wood.