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Lig resten af Inner Sea Region er mennesker den prævalente race, såvel i antal som magt-distributionen er det mennesker der står øverst på listen. Andre racer bliver imidlertid ikke set ned på, der er blot en underliggende samfundsmekanisme som medfører at mennesker automatisk bliver prioriteret når magt skal distribueres.
Race Percentage
Human 64%
Halfling 11%
Half-elf 8%
Gnome 7%
Dwarf 5%
Elf 2%
Half-orc 1%
Other 2%


Absalom herskes over af stormesterrådet, ledet af Primarken, en position pt. besidet af Adelsmand Gyr af Hus Gixx. Stormesterrådet har tolv højsæder (inklusive Primarkens) og et variabelt antal underliggende pladser. De fleste administrative positioner i byen er udfyldt af, medlemmer af rådet, hvor de mere populære titler tildeles højrådet (de 12 højsæder). Positionen som Primark holdes for livet og udvælges blandt højrådet. Primarken har yderligere unikke privilegier som giver betydelig magt over rådet og derigennem Byen i verdenens midte. Den daglige administration håndteres for det meste af Absaloms districtsråd. Distriksrådene ledes af en distrikschef (Guvernør) som er udpeget af det lavere råd og godkendt af Primarken.


Founded in 1 AR by the god Aroden when he raised the Starstone from the depths of the Inner Sea, there is nothing ordinary about Absalom's history even from its very first day in existence. Its whole-cloth creation allowed for a quick inhabitation and Aroden tasked the best and bravest from throughout Inner Sea region to protect the Starstone and prevent any from moving it. But given Absalom's tactical position in the middle of countless trade routes and its undeniable influence, many ambitious nations or greedy warlords have set their sights upon the walls of the city over the millennia, and the guarding of the city and the Starstone within has never been easy. For the past four millennia, the city has been besieged by one army after another, in an attempt to bring Absalom to its knees and wrest control of it from all others. Despite the relentless onslaught, the city has never fallen. Relics of these ongoing wars still litter the plains of the Isle of Kortos surrounding the city (known as the Cairnlands) and sunken warships clutter the harbor.


Situated on the southern coast of the Isle of Kortos, Absalom is the largest city in the Inner Sea region and quite possibly the entire world. The ice-capped peaks of the Kortos Mounts are among the highest known in the world, stretching high above treeline. Countless abandoned siege engines and constructions of war from the numerous failed attempts throughout history to take the city by force lie scattered throughout the surrounding countryside in what has become known as the Cairnlandsand the wreckage of armadas of unsuccessful attempts on the city from the sea all but block the wide harbor in a mass known as the Flotsam Graveyard. The city itself is enormous: it stretches more than seven miles from the Starwatch Keep to Azlanti Keep and more than five miles from Westgate to Eastgate, and Absalom has three times as many residents as the capital of Cheliax, Egorian.

Absalom Crest

Location under

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