Inner Sea Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Inner Sea

The Inner Sea region refers to the continent of Avistan and the northern third of the continent of Garund, both of which surround the Inner Sea. At the heart of this region is the City at the Center of the World: Absalom. The farther one gets from Absalom traveling north or south, the farther one travels from cosmopolitan civilization, although there are always exceptions. The Inner Sea region is also the center for trade in this part of Golarion, and has therefore been the staging area for countless, terrible wars over the past ten millennia.  

Climate and weather

  Numerous climatic zones stretch across the Inner Sea region, from the snow-laden slopes of the Stormspear Mountains of northern Avistan to the sweltering jungle-interior of Sargava far to the south.   Avistan In Avistan, weather patterns generally move from the west to the east, bringing needed moisture from the Arcadian Ocean. This moisture falls as cold rains in western and northwestern Avistan, west of the Mindspin Mountains. The rain shadow created by the Mindspins is offset somewhat by the size of Lake Encarthan in eastern Avistan.   Garund Weather in Garund tends to move from west to east as well, with the heaviest rainfall found along its western coastline. North of the Barrier Wall the land is arid, while to the south are the lush jungles of the Mwangi Jungle. A perpetual hurricane known as the Eye of Abendego that has existed since the death of the god Aroden in 4606 AR is situated off Garund's western coast, providing drenching rain across the Sodden Lands and much of western and central Garund. East of the Shattered Range, the Obari Ocean brings rain to Garund's eastern shores.  


  Trade is a vital component of any society, and for the nations of the Inner Sea region it is no different. Thousands of ships set sail from ports every week to make a short jaunt to a neighboring town, or sail halfway around the world. The busiest trade routes of the region include the North Tack, which generally follows the northern shores of the Inner Sea, and its companion, the South Tack, which runs from Katapesh along the sea's southern coast to Rahadoum. On the western coasts of Avistan and Garund, you'll find the Varisian Run, stretching all the way from Varisia in the north to the city of Eleder in Sargava. The major inland river route, the Sellen Passage, runs from the Taldan port of Cassomir up the Sellen River, connecting the nations of Brevoy, Galt, Kyonin, Mendev, Numeria, the River Kingdoms, and Ustalav to the riches of the Inner Sea.


  Human centrism Although there are dozens, if not hundreds of intelligent races dwelling in the Inner Sea region, humans are by far the most prevalent. Not only do they have the upper hand in terms of sheer numbers, but humanity also controls nearly all of the nations of the region. The term "humanity" in this case refers not just to actual humans, but also includes the other civilized and populous near-human races such as elves and dwarves.   City vs. rural living Most civilized people in the Inner Sea region live in urban centers, but rely on their rural neighbor for food and other commodities. Conversely, those living close to the wilderness often depend on their urban neighbors for protection from wild creatures or other warlike civilization. A certain amount of tension exists between urban and rural dwellers even though both are dependent upon the other. This dichotomy is epitomized in the faiths of Abadar and Erastil. While both see civilization as humanity's greatest achievement, they approach it from two very different directions.   Magic Magic is relatively well-known among the civilized races of the Inner Sea region, even if it is generally not a part of their everyday lives. Most commoners will have seen a spell or two cast in their time, seen the use of a magic item, or even been the beneficiary of healing magic. Despite this, most peasants do not count on magic to help them with the everyday lives, seeing it largely as a tool of the wealthy and powerful, a tool that can also be used against them. Because of its relative rarity, its capability of causing untold destruction, and its ability to accomplish the seemingly impossible, it inspires awe and fear in most folk, and is often misunderstood.

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