Isarn Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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The city of Isarn remains the capital of Galt and the home of its legislature, as well as of the Revolutionary Council.  


  Isarn once was a city of art that was graced by beautiful architecture, green parks, and statuary. Isarn's public monuments and buildings, once so famed that designers from both Avistan and Garund competed for the right to add to their grandeur, have fallen into blood-splattered disrepair since the beginning of the Red Revolution.    Despite its current dilapidated condition, the city's overall design harkens back to the monumental architecture of the Age of Destiny, with engraved cobblestones, wide plazas and parks, sweeping bridges, and colorful mosaics. Most of the statues have been toppled, the mosaics are spattered with blood, and the plazas and parks now ring with the haunted wails of the homeless who have flocked to the city in search of food.  


  The seat of government is the Monolith, a blackened fortress and prison, in front of which stands the final blade known as Madame Margaery, a guillotine kept well-oiled by the Gray Gardeners. The heraldic crest of the city is the iris, the flower of Isarn. Before the Revolution, irises were royal property and taking them without permission was punishable by death; this crime and sentence remain unaltered.
Nation: Galt   Size: Metropolis   Population: 42,700   Government: Revolutionary Council

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