Lake of Mists and Veils Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Lake of Mists and Veils

The Lake of Mists and Veils is a large freshwater lake in northeastern Avistan, bordered by the nations of Brevoy, Mendev, Numeria, and Iobaria. In Brevoy, people simply call it "the Lake."The lake is the source of the mighty Sellen River, and much of the trade and transportation in the region travels along the river, the lake, or both.The lake's name originates from how, at the onset of winter, the warm water "steams" as the chill of night sets in; the mist burns off in the morning. Clouds drift across the Lake year-round and according to some are seen even below the waterline. Weather Because of its enormous size, the Lake of Mists and Veils heavily influences much of the weather of Brevoy. Freezing rains come down from the north across the lake in winter, driving through the plains of Issia all the way south to Rostland.   Inhabitants The Lake is crisscrossed by pirates, fishermen, and traders who ply their trade, while soothsayers claim to be able to read omens in its mists.   Dark whispers in Brevoy speak of powerful creatures who live beneath the lake's waters who are the true masters of Issia and emerge from its depths at night to make dreadful bargains with local villagers. What validity these claims hold, however, remains ambiguous.   History One of Aroden's most famous miracles occurred in 4433 AR, when he defeated the growing cult of Deskari and drove the survivors, and Deskari's avatar, into the Lake.   In 4499 AR, Choral the Conqueror arrived in the lands now known as Brevoy with an army of conquest and several dragons. It was on the shoreline of the Lake of Mists and Veils where he made an accord with House Surtova of Issia.   The pirate lords of Issia engaged one another in a massive naval battle in Jellicoe Bay off the coast of Brevoy. The fleets wrecked when they were caught up in a massive storm. Today the location is known as the Jundlan Wrecks.   Myths According to the beliefs of Aalgin, druid and king of Okormirr in Iobaria, the lake is the sweat of the giant god Perbov, the "Father of the North."   Places of Interest A mysterious place on the Lake of Mists and Veils exists north of the Numerian city of Chesed out of sight of the shoreline. The outline of an enormous hulk can just be glimpsed from the surface whose surface is free of silt or aquatic vegetation. Huge masses of bubbles have floated up from the structure twice in living memory, releasing sweet-smelling gasses that caused violent hallucinations in passing sailors. Long-term effects on the victims who were exposed to the gases included the appearance of strange abilities, catatonia, and death.   Other places of interest on near the lake include:
  • Acuben Isle: A Brevic island, site of the town of Winterbreak
  • Claw Point: The northernmost point in Brevoy
  • Jellicoe Bay: Site of the Jundlan Wrecks
  • Winterbreak Bay: Inlet southeast of the town of Winterbreak

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