Magnimar Geographic Location in Golarion | World Anvil
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Magnimar (MAG-nih-mahr)

The city of Magnimar stands as one of the two major city-states of southern Varisia. Founded by Korvosan dissenters in 4608 AR, the City of Monuments now stands as a rival to Korvosa in an open war of coin and words. The people of the city are termed 'Magnimarians' and they call Korvosa: 'Little Cheliax'.


Magnimar is a large city located on the southwestern coast of Varisia where the Yondabakari River empties into the Varisian Gulf. The city is surrounded by the mostly inhospitable Mushfens. The city itself is defined by two colossal landmarks which predate modern civilization by thousands of years or more. The Irespan is an ancient Thassilonian ruin, the easternmost end of a giant bridge which has now crumbled into the sea. This enormous relic stretched from Magnimar's other most noticeable feature, the three-hundred-foot-tall cliff which cuts the city in two known as the Seacleft.   City districts   While these unavoidable monuments provide natural dividers to the city's three major districts (the Summit atop the cliff, the Shore below, and the Shadow under the Irespan, residents recognize nine city districts within Magnimar.   The Summit   The wealthiest communities in Magnimar are located in the Summit atop the rise of the Seacleft, as are the city's centers of government, education, and arts. The Summit contains the following three city districts:  
  • Alabaster District, incorporating the neighbourhoods of Marble District and the Stylobate
  • Capital District, incorporating the neighbourhood of Bridgeward
  • Naos, incorporating the neighbourhoods of Grand Arch and Vista
The Shore   Home to the majority of Magnimar's working class, the Shore contains Magnimar's coasts and docks, and the following five city districts:  
  • Beacon's Point, incorporating the neighbourhood of Rag's End
  • Dockway
  • Keystone, incorporating the neighbourhoods of The Marches and Silver Shore
  • Lowcleft
  • Ordellia, incorporating Kyver's Islet
The Shadow   The Shadow district is the most derelict in the city and houses only the single city district of Underbridge. It is home to the seediest of Magnimar's inhabitants and most members of the government take an "out of sight, out of mind" approach to the district's problems.   Holdings   Magnimar has begun to slowly expand her sphere of influence to encompass many nearby settlements and communities. These communities tend to be healthier than those of Magnimar's main rival Korvosa.  
  • Galduria
  • Nybor
  • Ravenmoor
  • Sandpoint
  • Turtleback Ferry
  • Wartle
  • Wolf's Ear


Magnimar is a very new city by the standards of the Inner Sea region, having only been founded by disillusioned Korvosan settlers in 4608 AR. The Eyes of the Hawk adventuring group famously defended Magnimar from shriezyx freed from the Irespan in 4623 AR. Several monuments in the city, including The Guardians, Eyes of the Hawk monument, and Grand Arch district, commemorate this event.
Coast / Shore

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