Pitax Settlement in Golarion | World Anvil
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Pitax (pih-TAHKS)

Pitax (pronounced pih-TAHKS)[ is the domain of Castruccio Irovetti, a petty tyrant who fancies himself a god. Pitax is the name of his region within the River Kingdoms as well as the name of his capital city. It seems the River Kingdoms attract these sorts of deluded megalomaniacs, with the kingdom of Razmiran ruled over by the similarly deluded Razmir. The city of Pitax is filled with trashy art and bad sculpture, created by the masses of enslaved artists and poets that Irovetti maintains to massage his ego. The city suffers under Irovetti's rule, as his arrogant reign has turned the nearby countries of Numeria and Brevoy against him, and alienated Pitax from potential sources of trade.  

Region of Pitax



  • Mormouth: hamlet with mixed loyalties between Pitax and Numeria
  • Sarain: town famous for fruit orchards and vineyards owned by the Liacenza family and for the Grand Tournament of Sarain
  • Littletown: A small village located North-West of the city of Pitax.

City of Pitax


City layout

  Pitax is divided into three sections.  
  • Troutmouth is the harbor district of Pitax. It includes the docks, various merchant houses, and warehouses.
  • The Shattered Ward contains many of the oldest buildings in Pitax including various temples and manor houses. Most longtime residents live here.
  • The New Ruins contains the most recently constructed buildings in Pitax. This part of the city was largely burned to the ground during the civil war that ravaged Pitax approximately one century ago. When Irovetti decided to make the city a beacon of "art" in the River Kingdoms his efforts were concentrated here. Notable locations include the Academy of the Arts and the Red Crescent Theater.
Nation:   Titles: Tarnished Jewel of the River Kingdoms   Land: River Kingdoms   Alignment: Chaotic neutral   Capital: Pitax   Ruler: King Castruccio Irovetti   Government: Autocracy   Languages: Taldane   Religions: Calistria (main Desna     City:   Titles: The Tarnished Jewel of the River Kingdoms   Nation: River Kingdoms   Region: Pitax   Size: Small City   Population: 5,781   Demographics: 5,600 humans; 100 half-elves; 40 dwarves; 41 others   Government: Autocracy / Overlord   Alignment: Chaotic neutral   Ruler: Castruccio Irovetti

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