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History of Golarion

Age of Legend

6700 AC 5294 AC

The Age of Legend is a general term used to refer to the "prehistoric" time before the destruction of the Starstone led to the Age of Darkness in -5293 AR.   It is marked by the rise of the first human civilization on the lost continent of Azlant, the establishment of the Thassilonian Empire on Avistan's mainland, the rise of the dragon rulers in Tian Xia, and the creation of the cyclops nation of Koloran on the continent of Casmaron.   It was preceded by the unmeasured time of the Age of Serpents, and ended when the Starstone brought on the collapse of the first human civilizations and the Age of Darkness.

  • -6530 AC
    Founding of Thassilon
    Civil action

    Xin and his followers arrive in Avistan to found the empire of Thassilon.  

    More reading
  • -6700 AC
    Occurences of Note

    In the waning years of the Age of Legend, Azlanti forces invaded eastern Arcadia, leading to a lasting era of isolationism and distrust of outsiders among Arcadians.   Elves settled the Fangwood, where they coexisted peacefully with its fey inhabitants and became comfortable with the forest's many connections to the First World.   The elf Candlaron creates the aiudara network.   The planets Damiar and Iovo collide, destroying both worlds and creating the asteroid belt known as the Diaspora. The collision causes a flare bright enough to be seen from Golarion and is observed by the people of ancient Azlant.

Age of Darkness

5293 AC 4294 AC

The Age of Darkness was a thousand-year period in which the sun's light was blocked by the ash knocked into the atmosphere by the meteoric impacts of Earthfall.   It began with the impact of the Starstone in -5293 AR and lasted until the sun's light had been restored, roughly in -4294 AR. During the Age of Darkness, all major civilizations across Golarion were destroyed, ushering in a time of anarchy and destruction.

  • -5293 AC
    Geological / environmental event

    Earthfall is the name given to the cataclysmic event in which of a swarm of meteoroids impacted Golarion in -5293 AR. It resulted in the destruction of the human empires of Thassilon and Azlant, which were consumed by earthquakes and massive tidal waves, and the creation of the Inner Sea. The cloud of dust thrown up by the Starstone's impact settled in Golarion's upper atmosphere and blotted out the sun for 1,000 years, creating the Age of Darkness.

Age of Enthronement

1 AR 4605 AR

The Age of Enthronement began with the founding of Absalom, and its inception is also the starting point for the Absalom Reckoning dating system. The Age of Enthronement spans the years from 1 AR until 4606 AR when Aroden, the god of humanity, died.   This age is characterized by the emergence of a number of gods who ascended to divinity through the Test of the Starstone. The mortals who survived the test and became gods were Aroden in 1 AR, Norgorber in 1983, Cayden Cailean in 2765 and Iomedae in 3832.   The nations of Andoran and Cheliax were founded as expansion from the kingdom of Taldor. The Oath Wars raged across northwest Garund between 2498 AR and 2560 as the churches of Nethys, Norgorber and Sarenrae vied for dominance.   The Whispering Tyrant arose in 3203 AR invoking the Shining Crusade in 3754 AR which burned for three quarters of a century and ended with the founding of Lastwall to defend against the return of the lich king.   In 4305 AR Cheliax began an extended period of expansion annexing lands in Molthune and Varisia which would become known as the Everwar.

  • 4305 AR

    4410 AR

    The Everwar
    Military action

    The Everwar (also known as the Wars of Expansion) was a century-long war of conquest launched by the Empire of Cheliax to increase its holdings. It was begun in 4305 AR by King Haliad III and eventually expanded Chelish control into territories now known as Molthune, Nidal, Nirmathas, Varisia, and the Hold of Belkzen. The Everwar lasted through the reigns of five Chelish monarchs and finally ended in 4410 AR.

  • 4369 AR

    4382 AR

    The Forge Wars

    The Forge War raged for 13 years, from 4369 AR to 4382 AR. Ordrik Talhrik was King Garbold Talhrik's cousin and closest advisor but also a cleric of Droskar. He controlled his cousin with addictive substances and made him cede power to the priests of Droskar.   Ordrik murdered his cousin and seized the throne in 4369 AR and attempted to create a theocracy. Generals loyal to the true crown fought to keep their kingdom, but they failed, and in 4382 AR, Ordrik declared himself theocrat and declared that all dwarves had to work in Droskar's name.

Age of Lost Omens

4606 AR and beyond

The Age of Lost Omens is one of the five major historical ages of the Inner Sea region, the beginnings and ends of which are marked by globally-significant events.   It is the age in which we find ourselves today, having supplanted the Age of Enthronement in 4606 AR when the death of the god Aroden threw the entire planet into decades of turmoil and confusion.   Aroden himself had prophesied thousands of years before that he would return on the cusp of mankind's greatest triumph and usher in the Age of Glory. His priests and followers calculated the supposed exact time of this event and prepared for it with lavish pomp. On the prophesied date, instead of his return, all contact to the god was lost and the world was devastated by terrible storms, the opening of vast planar rifts, and decades-spanning political upheavals.   Since then, no major prophecy has come true, a condition for which historians have named the current era.

  • 4606 AR
    The Eye of Abendego
    Geological / environmental event

    The Eye of Abendego forms off of Garund’s western coast, drowning the nations of Lirgen and Yamasa

  • 4606
    The Worldwound
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Worldwound opens in northern Avistan; demons pour forth and destroy the nation of Sarkoris.

  • 4606 AR
    Aroden Disappears
    Religious event

    On the date of his prophesied return, Aroden disappears mysteriously. His clerics are no longer imbued with his power. This leaves the Empire of Cheliax without a divine mandate. Iomedae takes on many of Aroden’s followers and legacy, becoming known as the Inheritor.

  • 4613 AR

    Baba Yaga installs her daughter Elvanna as sovereign of Irrisen
    Political event

    The witch Baba Yaga places her daughter Elvanna on the throne of Irrisen, replacing her sister Yelizaveta, and becoming the fourteenth queen of that nation.  

  • 4622 AR

    First Mendevian Crusade
    Military action

    The weakening Church of Aroden launches the First Mendevian Crusade, hoping to close the Worldwound.

  • 4640 AR

    House Thrune Siezes Control of Cheliax
    Civil action

    After decades of civil war, House Thrune allies itself with Hell to seize control of Cheliax, ushering in the current dark chapter in Chelish politics.

  • 4665 AR

    Sandpoint is founded
    Construction beginning/end

    4665 AR Sandpoint is founded  

  • 4667 AR

    People's Revolt of Andoran

    Democratic fervor sweeps through eastern Avistan, prompting the endless Red Revolution in Galt, as well as the more successful People’s Revolt in Andoran in 4669 AR.

  • 4697 AR

    The Goblinblood Wars
    Military action

    The Goblinblood Wars ravage Isger, drawing soldiers from across the Inner Sea region.

  • 4707 AR

    23 /9

    Swallowtail Festival in Sandpoint
    Cultural event

  • 4720 AR

    The Radiant Festival
    Gathering / Conference

    The Radiant Festival occurs this summer in the newly renovated Precipice Quarter.