Aaleyri Item in Golarion | World Anvil
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This black bastard sword was given to Ferum by Areylia on the fourth of Rova 4711 (04.09.4711), the first thing this weapon experienced was Ferums blood, as he killed himself with it shortly after he received it. It houses a soul which supposedly can be awoken by "feeding" it fey essence, according Archmage Leis Nivlandis, or draconic essence, according to Areylia. As Leis Nivlandis was the more recent source of information, Ferum for now has decided to hunt after fey beings, hoping to awaken the sentience in his sword to hopefully communicate with him.
Ferum Ferums player insists it is Rorgans soul that is contained within this sword.
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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