Agony Item in Golarion | World Anvil
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The dagger sinks deep into the gnomes chest, the green void swirls and moves as the gnome takes her last breath. You look around, where did the dagger come from? No attacker is seen, no threat enters your vision and yet you feel like you are being watched.
Later, a woman crosses your path, her pupilless, golden eyes piercing your soul. She demands the dagger, the murder weapon, but you refuse. Your heart pounds heavily in your chest and you feel sweat forming on your forehead. The woman smiles, with a knowing smile wishes you luck with your newfound possession. The dagger, Agony, feels heavy as you look at it, confused, intimidated at what it means.       Agony seems to have many secrets, the group was not told what makes it more than just a dagger, but over the course of their travels they have gathered some information they believe are facts about Agony.
  • Arkanthas recognized the weapon, screaming at Miyuki that he knew the fanged huntress would come to kill him
  • Mrs Nivlandis, archmage of the Stone of the Seers in Magnimar attributed a strong necromantic aura to the dagger
  • Mrs Nivlandis also claims a soul is contained within Agony, that feeds on souls of intelligent beings slain with this weapon, growing in power with each kill. Eventually, Agony could become strong enough to grant its wielder additional power, such as casting spells through the weapon
  • Before Miyuki acquired it, Areylia owned Agony, but she apparently was content with letting Miyuki keep it


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