Bythrodhun, the renewer Myth in Golarion | World Anvil
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Bythrodhun, the renewer

Not much is known about Bythrodhun, the renewer. They say, he once was a guardian of the forest and protected the animals and plants from foreign dangers, until he was cursed. The curse forces the originally rather gentle giant, to deprive all life-force from his surroundings wherever he goes, spreading death and decay. Where once his eyes saw glorious woods and graceful animals, his path is now scattered with withering plants and creatures taking their last breaths.
It is unclear, if Bythrodhun is aware of his curse, or if he strives through the woods aimless, hoping to find unscathed life, while the world seems to see it's last moments for him, or if he destroys the forest on purpose.

The places destroyed by Bythrodhum don't stay dead for long though. Lost souls do not return, but the new plants and animals, that grow where dead plants fertilize the ground seem to grow unnaturally fast and even new species arise, often more beautiful and stronger than their predecesors, almost as if someone would taunt the wanderer even more by creating wonders, the Bythrodhun would never be able to see without destroying them.


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