Lady Lillit Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Lady Lillit

Lillit grew up in Sargava as daughter of one of the wealthier citizens of Port Freedom. Her mother died giving birth to her and her fathers enemies were quick to deem the little baby with a demons arm a curse not only to her mother, but to the whole city. Though her father protected and sheltered her, she never felt true support as she grew up. When her father died in 4710, she decided to leave the city that hated her and with the immense riches her father left her, she built a sizeable manor in Magnimar, where she quite fast became a beloved public figure within the noble and rich society, partly because of the grande celebrations she hosts rather regularly and partly because of her smooth and friendly way with words. She has a nearly unnatural talent for reading people, knowing someone else better than he does himself after a short talk.
Lillit is rather fond of the group and always excited to hear stories of their latest adventures. Wether it is curiosity, loneliness or Miyuki oversharing their past endeavours, Lillit views the seekers as her friends and wants to grow closer, regularly offering her help and advice.

When her father died in 4710, to move to Magnimar, where she built a sizeable manor. She quickly became a beloved public figure within the noble and rich society, partly because of the grande celebrations she hosts rather regularly and partly because of her smooth and friendly way with words. She has a nearly unnatural talent for reading people, knowing someone else better than he does himself after a short talk.

Character Location
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Date of Birth
12th Desnus (12.05)
Year of Birth
4686 26 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Her mother died during birth and locals view her as a bad omen
slightly red-tinted brown
long, sleek black, usually braided in some sort
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
warm almond

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