Nibbles Latest in Golarion | World Anvil
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Nibbles Latest

13. Calistril 4712: Nidalese assassins are roaming the countryside, beware my teutonic terrors. Ouch
11. Calistril 4712:
The Lost Coast sees a sudden shift in weather and icy winds howl through the streets. Only the hardiest of sailors and biggest of ships dare to leave harbor.
9. Calistril 4712:
An explosion below a wine cellar? Bloody hell, who is behind that? And not to mention the amount of dead friends in the Worldwound. What? Yes I meant fiends, what do you want, hmpf.
2. Calistril 4712: An Andoran army has gathered near the chelish border and supposedly marches on Ostenso. What about the navy? Eh, don't ask me. Hmpf.
31. Abadius 4712:
The Cheddared Star conquers kitchens and kitchen tables in Magnimar! Deliciously delicious, this seven-pointed keesh what? It is not spelled keesh? Quiche? Did the elves invent that thing? Well, appareantly it is spelled quiche. Goodbye!
29. Abadius 4712: Famous acrobatic Ricky has gone mad! He answers every question by starting to roll around frantically! Someone should make a song about that! Heh.
27. Abadius 4712: Big Brombur won the eating contest in Little Pasfyre, eating a total number of thirtythree whole Gulbertails in the allotted 2 minutes! Heh, nice job Brombur, let us hope Mama Munchie does not find out you cheated you little fuck. What? She is called Dorothee and not Mama Munchie? Eh whatever.
24. Abadius 4712: Andoran declares war against Cheliax! The bells of revolution are silenced by this aggressive act of this new formed and form of government. The people have voted war i guess. Stupid idiots.
2. Abadius 4712: Kachmun I, king of Osirion BANS Enchantment Magic!
31. Kuthona 4711: A Chameleon rave happening in the jungle? Bows and Roses are singing tales of a strange party!
31 Lamashan 4711: Terror in Woodsedge! Entire family of elves slaughtered by the infamous Amnesia Artist! Are the thunderstorms coincidence? Sources say they "dunt fockin kno", they were digging for gold or some shit. Heh.
15. Erastus 4711: Rahadoum executes 12 idol-smugglers, illegally selling statuettes of various gods. Can you believe it? Heh.
13. Erastus 4711:
Old Bertie from Riverrombis set a new world record! Can you believe it? Oh what? You want to know what record? Okay. He did do the longest handstand a 59 year and 7 months old father of 7 was ever able to do. Ever! Heh.
4. Gozran 4711: This was a funny day. At least i had fun. What? I told you what i say is important! No i won't tell you what i did, go figure! Hmpf.
2 Gozran 4711:
A ruby is seen diving past the Arch of Aroden. Weird. The Ruby? It is a ship? Oh well, that makes more sense now.
Hello everyone everywhere! I am Nibbles, your friendly neighborhood gnome, bringing you news from all around the world! What? How? Nonono, we do not ask questions like that here, just know the news are real. No fake with me! So anyway, where was i? Oh right, all around the what!? Why do i always talk about random things with no importance? Not important you say? Not IMPORTANT? Listen here, if you can't appreciate my news you better go look somewhere else you shithead! My news are always important because i say so! Because i say so, you understand!? Thank you and goodbye! I am Nibbles from Nibbles Latest. Good Bye. I said good bye!


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