The Ravenous in Golarion | World Anvil
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The Ravenous

The Ravenous, primordials born untold ages ago serve a singular purpose. To satiate the hunger that burns deep within their souls, to quench the lust for more. First, just little sparks, not even capable of a physical form, they were attracted by the things that lived, their emotions like a beacon to these little sparks. They fed on them, grew and gave themself bodies. Each one fed on a different emotion, and while their first bodies were unidentifiable, writhing masses, the primordial fiends that would become known as the Ravenous, they advanced, shaped their bodies to their desires. A Ravenous that feeds on addiction might appear like a gambler, one that feeds on love may look like a loved one. They are avatars of emotion and sin combined, perhaps older than even Pharasma, goddess of death, powerful beyond imagination.
Good thing they live only in tales, made up to sow fear around a cozy campfire, right Markus? No need to scare my little boy like that
The night was cold, but the starry sky above the three travelers gave them a sense of calm.
  Yeah sure, no worries Sarren, i am sure we will make it to Cassomir safely, the worst part is already behind us. Do you want me to tell another story?
He did not get an answer, as the scarecrow grabbed the little boy by the hair and lifted him up to its face.

This article has no secrets.


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