Tyne Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Grown up between Pirates and Thiefes, Tyne learned to walk in the shadows and to steal whatever he needs to survive from day one. He knows trust as something, that has to be earned over a long period of time and is worth dying for. He is fully aware, that not everyone thinks like that and mastered the art of manipulating and taking advantage of those, who trust him too easily. He knows you better than yourself, just by taking a look at you and can be anyone he has to be, to get what he wants. If you find your treausures stolen by him, good look finding Tyne, as he is also a master of disguise, that could trick a mother to take him for her son.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tyne, as a halfling is rather short and of thin stature.

Facial Features

Good looking, slim face with a thin scar on his right temple, mostly covered by hair.

Special abilities

He can influence the eyesight of his foes, to make them believe, they are standing in a different place.

Apparel & Accessories

Tyne usually wears a light leather armor, decorated with various trinkets and symbols. He carries highly decorated lute on his back.

Specialized Equipment

Deception, Singing, magic tricks.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tyne was born in Riddleport and spent most of his youth there. Riddleport is known as the biggest and most recognized hideout for pirates and scum of all kinds in Varisia. His father Hamish was a rather unsuccessful pirate too, while his mother Amandula had a bar whose customers she tended to steal from or she blackmailed them with what she heard and saw in the tavern. However, there was never very much gold in the pockets of the Brégoirs, as Hamish was not only fond of expensive alcohol and gambling, but also frequently visited the ... well, the house of lady favors. It was one of these nights, two years after Tyne was born, when Tyne half-sister Douma came to be.   Douma grew up with her mother (although becoming close friends with Tyne very early and spending most days and nights on the street), until her mother suddenly disappeared. For a few months, Douma lived on the streets of Riddleport, as Amandula did not tolerate her in her house. Tyne helped her as much as he could through those dire times and practically lived on the street with her. Together, they learned how to steal and defraud, to sing and to fight and even mastered the magic they learned from an expensive looking book they "borrowed" from a young wizzard with way too many hats. Douma, the tough girl and agile fighter, did most of the rough work, while Tyne was the one with the golden tounge, who could sell you your own old shoes for ten gold. He also had a nice singing voice, and a common practice of them was, to let Tyne sing in the streets while Douma would pickpocket the entranced bystanders in a matter of seconds.   When Tyne was fifteen, his father did not return from the sea. There were rumors about what has happend to his ship; some said, a dragon has carried it into the sky, others said it was attacked by a sea monster. Tyne did not care to believe any of that. Not much would change for him and Douma anyway, as they were caring for themselves anyways and he hadn't really spoken to his father in years. Not long after his father disappeared, Jophiel decided to move in with his grandmother Iadara, who had just moved into a town called Velvet, not far from Riddleport. When Iadara heard, that Douma has been living on the streets for years then, she immediatly invited her to live with her as well in her huge mansion.   The Saltfeather Pirates One day, Jophiel was 17 and Douma 15, members of the pirate fleet of Vugur Saltfeather, a pirate captian, forced their way into Iadaras mansion. Iadara had stolen a very valuable, legendary necklace years ago and although she thought to have hidden all her traces, they managed to track her down. Iadara had hidden the necklace in her secret stash, so a pirate wounded Douma to make her talk. He did so very eagerly and without intention almost killed the girl. Iadara thought that Douma was dead and managed to free herself with a trick, before she slipped into a secret passage in the mansion, leaving the dying Douma with the Pirates. She did however get hit on her right side by blades during her escape. The pirates sacked and searched the house for the necklace, but it was hidden entirely elsewhere. When they left, they left the wounded girl to die. Only by accident did Tyne overhear a conversation of other crewmembers of Saltfeather, who were talking about the mansion. He ran as fast as he could home and was just in time to be able to bring Douma to a priest of Sarenrae, who stabilized her and saved her life. Iadara seeked shelter at an old friend, who saved her from dying by her wound as well. Douma was lucky, all that remained of her wound was a large and ugly scar on her hip. Iadara however would never be able to use her right arm and leg as before, her wounds never fully healed.   Jophiel promised revenge and to destroy the whole fleet of Saltfether, until no one was left. He tracked down most of those, who came into their home few days after and spread the rumor, that they found the necklace but were keeping it for themselves. Saltfeather, who wasn't squeamish about traitors, had them killed not long after. Only a few were able to escape and hid somewhere far from any coast a ship could reach. Someday, Tyne would bring down Saltfeather as well, and until then he will try to end the live of any pirate he comes accross, especially when they are retired crewmembers of the Grauschwinge, who's crew had attacked them.   In the following years, Tyne spent a lot of time preparing his vendetta. He got himself a crossbow and learned how to use it. He trained himself more in magic from a green book in Iadara's library. During this time, he perfected Illusion magic and even created a new, personal speel he called "The mirrored eye", which enabled him to alter the vision of his opponent and make him believe he would stand somewhere else and look in a different direction.   At some point, Tyne tries to attack the Saltfeather pirates in their headquarters in Riddleport and almost gets killed by them. Douma saves him and both flee back to Velvet. Douma seems to have forgotten about revenge from this day on, but Tyne carries on, making plans, learning, and training.   It was in this time of making plans and gathering intel when Tyne heard about the appearance of a very powerful artifact, called the "Shattered Star", which would bring great power to whoever would be able to collect it's shards and repair it. He decided that the star was his best chance to beat Saltfeather and got himself a tatoo of it on his left forearm.   Years later, Douma gets a clue about the whereabouts of her mother and sets out to find her. Tyne would have come with her, but Douma wanted to do this alone and so she left in the dark of the night. Tyne tried to find her, but Douma was almost as good in hiding as he was, so it took him days to find a merchant who had seen her boarding a ship to Magnimar. He knew it would be a very difficult search, or rather hunt, but he could not bear the thought that something would happen to her, and he did not want Douma to go through hard times alone. She was the most important person in his live, he would not loose her.   He boarded a ship of merchants who set sail to Magnimar. On their way, they were attacked by a necromancer, who killed the merchants and turned them into their undead puppets. Tyne was only able to survive because he had slept hidden behind a pile of boxes and kept himself hidden during the attack. He saw the men dying and rising again. It took almost a week in which Tyne could see the men slowly rot away, mindlessly following the orders of the necromancer, until he managed to slip away and swim to the coast, almost drowning in the process. He was starved and very thirsty when he was finally found by fishermen on the coast of the Varisian Gulf, not far from Magnimar. After a few days of rest, he continued his way and finally arrived in Magnimar.    ~14 Abadius 4712 Tyne heared about a huge party, hosted by someone called Lilit. He figured, this would be the perfect opportunity for him to gather information and got himself recruited as a bard. There he was talked to by Berebak Tan and found out, that his group was looking for the shattered star as well and even found a few parts of it. He decided to join them, as he did not found any clues to where Douma could have gone. They invited him to a travel to the Mwangi-jungle to get him known.


Can read and write pretty well, knows many cultures and people from a well traveled port-city.


Thief, Merchant, Social Engineer

Failures & Embarrassments

Was almost killed when he tried to kill Vurgur Saltfeather.

Mental Trauma

Saw a crew of merchant get killed and raised by a necromancer and saw them rot over the course of a few days. Then almost drowned as he was able to flee and swim the shore, almost dying of thirst and starving.

Morality & Philosophy

The life and people in it will give to you, and they will take from you. Do what you need to make sure, you see the next day, do what you need to make sure people important to you see the next day. And enjoy life. When death is two minutes away, you got another two minutes to do something fun.


Nothing is more sacred to Tyne than his close friends (and his grandma)

Personality Characteristics


Tries to complete the Shattered Star to finish some buisness back home

Vices & Personality flaws

If people are foolish enough to believe him, it's their own fault when he has some fun playing around with them.


Values a clean appearance.


Family Ties

Maira (sister) Iadara (grandma) Amandula (mother, no contact for years)

Religious Views

If they want to believe in gods, let them believe. Maybe there will be one or two gods in the future, going around collecting taxes or something *cough*".

Hobbies & Pets

Games of chance, cheating in games

A halfling who's sharpest weapon is his tounge. He prefers to make his enemies slit each others throat instead of getting his own hands dirty. He does care a lot about appearance, but mostly to use as tool/weapon.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
12 Pharast 3988
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
slightly tanned
Known Languages
Common, Halfling, Elven, Dwarven, Draconic


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