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Witnesses and Oneshots

The events you as players have witnessed, either in our campaign or in one of the various oneshots.

  • 3497

    1 /6

    The Hatchling
    Life, Birth

    The offspring of the royal dragons of Xa Hoi in the form of seven dragon eggs got stolen. A totally normal group of adventurers is sent off to get them back. Surprisingly, they are successful.

  • 3754
    Below the friendly forest
    Criminal Activity

    Demonic worshipers attempt a ritual in an old dungeon deep under the Verduran forest. They offer a baby to whatever Demon Lord they worshipped and although adventurers managed to fight their way through the cultists and their skeletal servants, a mighty Balor is summoned who effortlessly slaughters the brave souls.

  • circa 4600 AR
    As the Veil falls
    Disaster / Destruction

    The prospering city of Sarkoris, home of many giants, is destroyed, as the Worldwound, a giant portal between the Abyss and the Material plane opens and spills forth hordes and hordes of Demons. A complete nation will be lost to these ravaging savage beings. A barrier has been created around the territory, but how long will these wardstones last?
    Wether or not a group of elemental-kin adventurers have something to do with this is unknown, but it could not be a coincidence, could it?

  • 4709

    15 /11

    On demons wings
    Disaster / Destruction

    An avatar of Pazuzu, King of the Wind demons is summoned to the world. A group of adventurers has the opportunity to stop him but the avatar barely manages to slay the adventurers and get away. Who knows what he is up to.

  • 4711

    27 /3

    Royal birthday party
    Life, Publicity

    In the far away nation of Xa Hoi on the continent of Tian Xia, the kings youngest son celebrates his third birthday. Apparently his uncle plotted something, but adventurers supported by the royal dragon court thwart his plans.

  • 4711

    22 /5

    25 /5

    The beginning
    Era beginning/end

    Teretak and Ferum meet Miyuki for the first time, in the small varisian village of Kallaan. During their journey to Magnimar, the group is ambushed by Kobolds. Dogo hears the sounds of battle and joins the group on their travels.

  • 4711

    3 /6

    A new home
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Group enters Magnimar, visiting both Xzanthios Menagerie of Miscellaneous Magic and the Pathfinder Lodge (and with that Sheila Heidmarch) for the first time.

  • 4711

    4 /6

    Lone wizard shopping
    Life, Death

    Teretak dissappears without a word. Unknown to the group, he went to the black market, where he tried to steal a magical trinket. He got caught and executed by Rassimeri Jaijarko shortly after.

  • 4711

    5 /6

    The Shard of Pride
    Discovery, Exploration

    Dogo, Ferum and Miyuki discover the hiding spot of Natalya Vanskerrin, a Pathfinder society agent and Towergirls member. Miyuki manages to sneak up to her unnoticed and knocks her out with a single blow. They recover the Shard of Pride and after a unique discussion thanks to the shards curse the group goes back to Sheila, she tells them about the shards their connection with ioun stones.

  • 4711

    19 /7

    30 /7

    Tear of the Goddess
    Religious event

    Orcs from the Hold of Belkzen rob a dwarven relic, the Tear of the Goddess. A group of adventurers sets out to track down the group of mounted orc soldiers and successfully recovers the artefact.

  • 4711

    11 /8

    13 /8


    The party travels to the wild forest, searching for the fitting ioun stone for the Shard of Pride, accompanied by Berebak, a half-orc wizard suspiscously similar to the missing Teretak. After a while they find the Sleeping Alder, a tree, which is said to guard the forest. Exploring the surroundings they ultimately manage to awaken the Hamadryad Ainora, sleeping in the tree, who rushes off to her Erlking husband Inurom, petrified in a battle against Varsha. Both are re-awakened, the party receives the ioun stone they were looking for and the Amulet of the forest Guardian.
    On the way back to Magnimar, the find Olin, held in a cage by a group of Goblins. Slaying the Goblins and freeing Olin, he decides to join the group on their adventures.

  • 4711

    4 /9

    A black blade
    Life, Death

    Ferum and Areylia meet in the middle of the night, unknown to the rest of the group. Areylia gives Ferum a deep black sword and vanishes again after a short talk. As Ferum touches it, he cannot control himself for a brief moment and slowly pushes the blade into his own heart. Although resurrection is successful, the group have to aid other adventurers on a task they did not choose and a black, draconic scale is now embedded in Ferums chest.

  • 4711

    23 /9

    Arm von Arcanthas
    Discovery, Exploration

    The Group enters the Arm of Arcanthas. A giant black Monolith, home of the transmutation wizard Arcanthas DeMornay. During exploration the party discovers that Arcanthas was cursed to become a Nosferatu, a vampire. Fearing the fanged huntress, he sealed himself in his tower, losing more and more of his humanity over at least 300 years. After leaving Arkanthas with a wooden stake in his heart the party discovers a well of arcane power, a so called runewell below the monolithic tower, in which lies the Shard of Greed

  • 4711

    31 /9

    Right out of your hands
    Criminal Activity

    On their way to Magnimar the party joins Ziruul Faar, a merchant transporting Ice wine out of the crown of the world to Magnimar. During one of the nights the party is awakend by Rikael and Sentrus, who seemingly have assassinated an explorer travelling with Zirul, claiming he stole something belonging to their master. After demonstrating their seeming superiority, the two fly away.

  • 4711

    17 /10

    A new face
    Life, Publicity

    Lady Lillit, a young, noble woman from Sargava moves into her new mansion and hosts a grande celebration to get to know and greet her new surroundings. She has a more private talk with most of her guests, in which she reveals a sorcerous background and a great ability to read people.

  • 4711

    18 /10

    Living in the Cellar
    Criminal Activity

    The church of Sarenrae demands their favor and sends the party after a group of demon cultist. After destroying the cult one of the old noble mansion is empty and they manage to claim it as their heritage, writing a testament that the church of Abadar did not detect as being a forgery. They now "rightfully" own one of the biggest mansions in the city of Magnimar.

  • 4711

    23 /10

    A sick dog and tiny syringes
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Deciding to wait for their dragonhide armor, the party accepted a quest to investigate people going missing in Magnimar's Lowcleft and Dockway districts. They find the source is a Babau demon and his master, an alchemist seeking to cure his dog from vampirism. After a short talk a fight breaks out, and while the party emerges victorious, Olin and Miyuki are cursed with vampirism.

  • 4711

    24 /12

    Winter Solstice in Kallaan
    Civil action

    3 unlikely heroes save the Winter Solstice festival in Kallaan from being stolen, as they discover a little Goblin named Gransch wanted to be included in the community.

  • 4712

    15 /1

    Death at the Door
    Disaster / Destruction

    A small village sees a knight with glowing red eyes and a skeletal horse arriving in their middle, a horde of skeletons and more fearsome, ghostlike creatures in his wake. He sets an ultimatum to bring him a woman named Meria, vowing to execute a villager every single day and slaughtering anyone that tries to flee. Through the joint effort of adventurers that happened to be in the village and a golden eyed woman, the death knight, lieutenant of Kha'Rur, and his undead following got defeated and most of the village lives to tell the tale.

  • 4712

    19 /1

    Breath of the jungle
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Being awakend by a T-Rex and a Dire Bear fighting, the group watches the battle and decides to try and assail the green Dragon (imperial forest dragon) that burst out of the ground, easily killing the dire bear in a single bite and scaring the T-Rex away. Only because of the clutch use of a gifted teleport scroll did the party survive.

  • 4712

    24 /1

    Nightmares and hurtful truths
    Life, Identity

    Berebak, Miyuki and Ferum all have strange, violent dreams. "The dragon friend" and betrayal are a common theme among them. After a heated discussion the group decides to visit Xzanthio and ask him some questions. He shows them his true home and they teleport on a strange, frosty mountaintop above the clouds. He promises everyone a truthful answer on a single question each, disregarding wether the information may be dangerous. After additional conversations in private, the group bands together again, although Dogo sees deep, lasting damage to their friendship and unity.

  • 4712

    25 /1

    Behold a criminal
    Criminal Activity

    A group of adventurers discovers, that there is a single leader behind at least two of the Sczarni gangs in Magnimar. They break into a hideout of one of the groups and discover a beholder in the dungeon below. They slay the beholder with relative ease.

  • 4712

    25 /1

    Lillits Party
    Life, Publicity

    Lillit hosts a party co-organized by Savasha Versade, the fox and the mask have a performance.

  • 4712

    28 /1

    Khalis, the Spear of Vengeance
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The party finds an old ruin deep in the Mwangi Jungle. Inspecting an illusory floor they find an underground dungeon, where strange effects alter their perception. They discovered the lair of Khalis, the Spear of Vengeance, Herald of the Demon Lord Iskhanter, Demon Lord of (among other things) Vengeance and Betrayal. Miyuki recognized the mask symbol they saw repeatedly.

  • 4712

    11 /2

    21 /2

    Lay the Stone to Rest

    A band of adventurers, hired by the Pathfinder Society, funded by Olin, sets out to investigate the elemental activities and dangers that plague the village of Stones Rest. Venturing deep into the mines, the group discovers volatile shards of the elemental planes and a Night Hag. They manage to dispatch of the hag, securing the shards and restoring the safety of the village.

  • 4712

    7 /3

    Of fey and flayers
    Discovery, Exploration

    3 adventurers set out to find an Ioun stone within the Shudderwood. After some strange encounters with fey beings, they discover a disguised mindflayer and disgruntled treants. They narrowly avoid death but manage to find an ioun stone of surprisingly low worth

  • 4712

    9 /3

    Current Date

  • 4712

    18 /4

    Devilish Dealings
    Life, Supernatural

    A group of adventurers signs a contract with a devil while intoxicated. They get teleported to the Worldwound and out of Kaer Maga to acquire a Wardstone and Sword. As they meet the devil again to hand over the items, they decide to attack him instead, killing him and freeing themselves from their contract.

  • 4712

    3 /6

    Born in Magma
    Discovery, Exploration

    Four adventurers set out to explore the last known location of Eld and Artossa, with them a strange device, to hopefully resurrect a dragon. They venture inside the volcano and discover the location is guarded by a Phoenix. A battle is fought and as the Phoenixes ashes land in lava it is over. The device is set in motion and as it finishes, three dragons step out of a pool of lava. Magma dragons are born.