Father Adran

Head Priest of the Kritian Temple of the Dawnflower.  
  • Description: Tall, broad-shouldered human with a well-groomed beard and warm, hazel eyes.
  • Clothing: He is always dressed in his holy vestments, which include a simple white robe and a golden sun pendant symbolizing his devotion to Sarenrae, the goddess of healing and redemption.
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  • Mannerisms: Has a tick whenever a dark deed or crime is mentioned in his prescence.
  • Personality: Despite his imposing stature, Father Adran has a gentle and kind demeanor, and he is always willing to listen and offer comfort to those in need.
  • Background: Grew up in the church of Sarenrae all his life.
  • History: Growing up in a small temple dedicated to Sarenrae, Father Adran learned from a young age the importance of helping others and spreading the light of hope. He spent many years studying the holy texts and mastering the divine magic of his goddess.
  • Life Motivation: Bring light to those that have none.
  • Secret 1: He recently started praying to Iomedae and has decided that burning some of the criminals that come to him is needed to "cleanse" the city of corruption. He has their holy symbol stashed in a secret robe pocket.
  • Author: KazutoDM


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