Fletch Character in Golarion | World Anvil


Fletch the goblin   Fletch was born into a small goblin tribe who lived at the edge of a forest. Strange happenings often occurred around their camp, and elders would tell tales of mysterious creatures that lived in the forest. Because of this the children of the camp were not allowed to enter the forest. Fletch however, was a very curious child and loved to sneak away into the forest whenever he could. He loved collecting and eating the strange mushrooms he would find there.   One day during a trek into the forest Fletch came upon one of these strange creatures he had heard about. A small fairy looking creature whose presence seemed to draw him towards it.   Before he knew it fletch had wondered farther than he ever had before. The forest itself looked completely different, the air smelled strange, and Fletch himself also felt odd, a strange feeling humming inside him. He realized now the creature he was following had also disappeared, he was completely lost and alone now. As Fletch tried to retrace his steps he would constantly feel like he was walking in circles, passing the same trees and rocks. It felt as though days had passed even though the forest never seemed to slip into darkness and he never felt the need to sleep. Eventually Fletch grew increasingly desperate, he ran as fast as his legs could carry him, crashing through the forest in every direction until he finally collapsed. When he awoke he could hear familiar sounds, the hustle and bustle of a camp. Surely it was his tribe. Surely he had finally made it home! As Fletch moved towards the sound he came to a clearing in the forest. What he saw was not his camp, instead it was a small village of the fairy creature he first followed deeper into the forest. Fletch kept to the shadows and watched the fairy folk for a long while. They played strange games, used strange magic, and danced around fires. They had many shiny trinkets and gems they would use to play their games, tossing them high into the air and running around colored squares on the grass. Fletch could not resist his goblin nature and before he knew it, he found himself creeping ever closer to the village. Just as he emerged from the foliage a small ruby landed at his feet. He quickly snatched it up and stared at his reflection in the precious gem, being so pleased with himself Fletch had forgotten where he was. Before he could even look up he felt their eyes on him. Surrounding Fletch were at least a dozen of the fairy creatures, eyes locked on the little goblin. Paralyzed with fear Fletch could only watch as the once innocent looking faces of these creatures morphed into hideous terrifying ones. Huge fanged grins crept across their faces as they set upon fletch. Before his little goblin brain could even understand what was happening Fletch found himself sprinting through the forest again, faster than he ever had before. He ran and ran until finally he could see it, light shining into the trees and the forest thinning out. It was the edge of the forest! In his excitement Fletch stumbled over his own feet and came crashing out into the plains. He popped out excitedly scanning all around looking for his tribe. What he did see however, was nothing more than piles of ash and the scattered corpses of his people. As he inspected his village it became clear even to him that this was done some time ago. Had he really been gone for so long?   As Fletch scavenged the burnt hut of the village elder he came across something that seemed untouched by the fires set here. A single wooden mask, seemingly a natural shade of white. The mask also had what appears to be moss growing on it, covering the inside and making it soft on his face. Some small traces of it spilled out onto the front of the mask as well. With this Fletch decided to leave again. He knew the world was cruel to his kind, so he turned to the only other familiar place he had. The forest he had only just escaped from. Perhaps he could live out his days in the shadows there, avoiding the strange creatures inside.   As fletch wondered deeper into the forest he noticed it all felt too normal this time. These were just the same woods he had always known, not the ones from before. Just as he found himself thinking he was safe he felt a large presence looming behind him. As he turned around Fletch could only make out the hulking mass of a giant hairy beast before it lashed out at him. Knocking him to the ground. Thinking this was his end, Fletch took one last look around him at the forest. That's when he saw another figure, the outline of what could only be a human, dressed in a soldier's armor.   When Fletch awoke he found himself in a tent, panicked he quickly tried to scurry away and hide. But his body could not move, looking down he saw the extent of his injuries. It was bad, but someone had taken the time to bandage the poor goblin. It was then that Fletch noticed he was not alone in the tent. A man-creature sat across from him, eyeing Fletch with suspicion. It began talking strange words at him that Fletch did not understand. This was the start of Fletch's new life. With the man who would become his hero and idle, Adrian of the Eagle Knights
Author: KazutoDM


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