Maramaxus' Blade Item in Golarion | World Anvil

Maramaxus' Blade

This blade once belonged to the Hero of the Fourth Army of Exploration, Galitian Maramaxus. It's blade is still stained with the blood of the erlking it was used to defeat.   Old Enemies: When the user Hits a Fey, Magical Beast, Plant, or Animal with the weapon, that creature takes an extra 1d12 Negative damage.   Banishing: When this weapon hits a fey they must resist a DC 20 Will Save or be banished to the First World   Once Favored: When the user holds this weapon, if a creature within 10ft fails a Saving Throw against a spell or other magical effect, they can choose to reroll the Saving Throw and must use the new roll.
Author: KazutoDM
Item type
Weapon, Melee


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