Mirror of Pasts, Presents, and Futures Item in Golarion | World Anvil

Mirror of Pasts, Presents, and Futures

Created by Xill The Creator using an unknown method. This mirror allows the user to view events in the past, present, or future. You must have vague knowledge of the event and pass an appropriate Knowledge skill check (DC 20). A Will Save DC 25 must be past to view through it correctly or suffer 50 psychic damage as your mind fractures.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Other unintended effects may occur when combined with other magic or artifacts. DM discretion. Examples:
  • An overwhelming source of Conjuration creates a portal through time
  • Telekinisis at a sufficient Caster Level to manipulate objects being viewed

  • History

    Multiple versions of the mirror exists within history.
  • One exists in Almas University, deep in their magical research department.
  • Another is a within The Creator's Vault

  • Author: KazutoDM
    overwhelming divination
    Item type
    Unique Artifact


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