Nagajini the Forest Guardian

When Nagajini was very young (maybe 10) her family and tribe (the village) she was living in was raided and everyone was killed but her and her great-grandmother.
The only reason they survived was because they were in the forest learning how to control the storm. Very recently Nagajini realized she can somewhat control the lightning during storm and her great-grandmother was the only one with the same ability. Since when not controlled it can be very dangerous to those around they left the village for a while so Nagajini can learn how to control it.
    When they returned from this trip they found the village destroyed and everyone killed. They burned all the dead and left out to live in another village where great-grandmas cousin was living. They were accepted to live there although even among their own people were not very friendly to those that control lighting (combination of respect and uneasiness that they might make them crispy if they piss them off). Nagajini continued to learned how to control the powers until 4 years later when her great-granma died. She continued to live in the village another year until she decided to leave. She wanted to find out what happened to her village and seek those responsible. She did eventually find the raiders and they were caught in a huge lightning storm few days later where they all died by lightning. Everyone around thought it was quite odd but no one complained because they were happy they were gone.
Nagajini continued to travel around and live in one with nature. She was quite happy on her own. Occasionally she traveled to a city to learned about what is happening in the world and if there is any wrongs that need to be corrected. In one such trip she learned that some people close to her village (the second one not the original one) were disappearing and there were talks of slavers so she decided to go back to protect them from similar fate of her family.
When she finally reached the village everyone was dead or taken and so she set out to find them and free them. At this point she is starting to doubt that the Naga lords (the gods of her race) are in their right state or even real. If there is this much wrong in the world?
  After The Oathbearers defeat Asmodeus, Nagajini returned home to the Embeth Forest to rebuild and provide a safehaven to druids. The village becomes well defended and properous under her care. The Druids become well versed in unarmed fighting under her tutelage.   The forest becomes a legend as visitors with a good heart are healed. Others with ill intentions for the forest are never heard from again.
Author: KazutoDM
Level: 20
Mythic Tier: 10


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