The Aurora

This magical Airship was constructed by the famous Lastwall engineer Yahigig. Shot down for this prototype for years by the military, he finally gained funding after "selling" it to The Oathbearers who agreed to take him on as the pilot.

Power Generation

Atomospheric Mana Boiler - Sucks mana in the air in through vents at the bottom of the ship into the Magic boiler on the middle deck for storage.


Magic Air Crystal Propulsion System - Converts mana from the boiler to shoot a strong wind current behind the ship
Fan Propellers - Uses mana to power fans at the front of the ship for vertical movement

Weapons & Armament

Flaming Dragon Figurehead - Converts mana from boiler into flames resulting in added fire damage for ramming and an imitation dragon's fire breath weapon. Can be upgraded to do more damage or imitate other dragon breath weapons.   Side Weapon Slots - Up to 6 Large direct-fire siege engines in banks of 3 positioned on the port and starboard sides of the airship, up to 4 Huge direct-fire siege engines in banks of two on the port and starboard sides of the ship, or equivalent magic devices. The weapons may only fire out the sides of the ship they are positioned on. They cannot be swiveled to fire toward the forward or aft sides of the ship.

Starboard Slots
  1. Empty
  2. Empty
  3. Empty
Port Slots
  1. Empty
  2. Empty
  3. Mythic Power Battery (15 charges, Surge 1d8)

Armor and defense

Bronze Armor Paneling - the ship is made of mostly Bronze


Display Crystal - Located at the helm. Displays a 3D image of the ship and it's immediate surroundings (100 feet spherical radius). Functions like a Crystal Ball and can be upgraded absorbing different Crystal Ball types.

Additional & auxiliary systems

Yahigig's Spell Dispersal Controller - A prototype device that can disperse a magical spell cast into it throughout the entire ship. Allows spells to affect the entire ship and it's crew all at once.
  • 10% chance of major failure: 5,000 gp of materials and 2 days to repair
  • 15% chance of minor failure: 1,000 gp of materials and 1 hour to repair

  • Repairing Systems of the Aurora requires obtaining parts from a magic store and smith unless repair crystals are used. Repair crystals can be made by buying the equivlant cost in materials and having Yahigig forge them (takes 1 day per crystal).

    Author: KazutoDM
    Owning Organization

    Stat Block

    AC 2; Hardness 9
    hp 720
    Maximum Speed 120 ft.; Acceleration 30 ft.
    Attacks ram 8d8 bludgeoning + 8d8 fire; fire breath (50-ft. cone, DC 24, 8d10 fire, 1d4 rounds cooldown)
    CMB +8; CMD 18
    Propulsion Magic Air Crystal Propulsion System (450 hp, Hardness 5)
    Driving Check Use Magic Device DC 25
    Driving Device Display Crystal
    Crew 1


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