Golarion Homepage | World Anvil
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23 Arodus 4717

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This is my take on the world of Golarion, the campaign setting for Paizo's Pathfinder RPG, as run in the Beginner Box, Trouble in Otari, Abomination Vaults, and Stolen Fate campaigns. World details will focus mainly on the Isle of Kortos (the setting for the campaigns), but over time will expand out with information about the whole of Golarion as well as characters, NPCs and lore derived directly from our campaigns


The majority of the articles are fleshed out versions of entries from publications by Paizo Inc, that have been modified as the PC's interact with the world.


These publications include

  • Pathfinder 2e Core Rulebook
  • Pathfinder 2e Advanced Player's Guide
  • Pathfinder Bestiary 1, 2, and 3
  • Pathfinder 2e Beginners Box
  • Troubles in Otari
  • Abomination Vaults Adventure Path
  • Stolen Fate Adventure Path

All Stat Blocks are based on knowledge gleaned by the PC's (whether in combat or via Recall Knowledge rolls) rather than a direct transfer of information from adventures or Bestiary material. For example, if the PCs had attacked a monster, missing on a roll of 15 but hitting on an 18, the statblock entry for the armour class of that creature would be 16-18.

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