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Shalelu Andosana

Combat Statistics


Shalelu Andosana

Medium Humanoid (Elf) || Apprentice Tier Ally  

Abilities, Saves and Skills

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha












Fortitude Reflex Will
Skills   Knowledge(Geography): +5
Stealth: +7
Survival: +6 (+7 when tracking)

Combat Statistics

AC: 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 | (Studded Leather)
Init: +2
Speed: 30 ft.
Health: 19 | 9 | 4 (1d10 + 14)
Recovery: 2
Morale: Critical (Retreat)   CMB: +4
CMD: 15


  Favored Enemy (Goblinoids): When Shalelu attacks a goblinoid, she gains a +2 bonus to her attack and damage rolls. In addition, any time Shalelu attempts a check where her knowledge of goblins would be applicable, she gains a +2 bonus.  


  Shortsword (Melee Weapon): Attack Bonus: +3
1d6+1 Slashing Damage. Crit 19-20/x2   Longbow (Ranged Weapon): Attack Bonus: +5
1d8+2 Piercing Damage. Crit x3   Rapid Shot: Shalelu can use a full-attack action to make two attacks with her Longbow in one turn. When she does, she takes a -2 penalty to her attack roll for both attacks. No other multi-attack penalty applies.

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