Ameiko Kaijitsu Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Ameiko Kaijitsu

Ameiko Kaijitsu

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The process of glassmaking is as much an art as it is a craft, and one that the Kaijitsu family has held pride in for several generations. After the family was exiled from Tian Xia and made the perilous journey over the crown of the world, they fi nally settled in Magnimar, where the family trade played a key role in their acceptance into society. When the Sandpoint Mercantile League was established, the Kaijitsus were there, and not long after Sandpoint was founded, they began construction of what would become one of the town’s most unique and profi table businesses—the Sandpoint Glassworks.   The three main components of glass are all found in abundance locally: sand, seaweed, and salt-resistant plants (the ashes of which form an important reagent in the process), and lime extracted from stone quarried from the cliffs of Devil’s Platter and the Ashen Rise. All that remained was the technical proficiency to work these components into glass. The fact that the building’s basement once doubled as a smuggler’s base is one of the Kaijitsu family’s best-kept secrets. Lonjiku’s more scrupulous father put a stop to the smuggling operation and bricked up the offending chambers in the basement not long after he inherited the Glassworks 34 years ago, but knowledge that the Glassworks was once a smuggling operation persisted in the town’s hidden lore

(CG female human aristocrat 1/bard 3/rogue [rake] 1) Ameiko’s beauty is more than matched by her skill at music, and few are the evenings that pass without at least two or three songs being performed by the talented woman. Some bad blood exists between Ameiko and Cyrdak, and one never seems to miss a chance to badmouth the other, but no one in town really understands the reason behind their rivalry.

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