Daverin Hosk Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Daverin Hosk

The stables are tended by this retired hunter (N male human ranger 4), whose hatred of goblins is nearly legendary in Sandpoint. In a somewhat grisly display, over the entrance to the stable’s covered barn is his collection of goblin ears: preserved and nailed to three different rafters, each bearing the goblin’s name burned into the leathery flesh—mostly because Daviren knows that writing down a goblin’s name is one of the worst things you can do to desecrate its memory. The bitter ranger’s pride and joy is a large glass bottle filled with brine in which he’s preserved the body of Chief Whartus of the now-extinct (due in large part to Daviren) Bonegrinder Tribe. He has easily befriended Xraven for his work with the goblins and has stabled his bear. He owns his own animal companion, a wolf named Griff.

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