Nisk Tander Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Nisk Tander

(NG male half-elf alchemist 1/expert 2) fancies himself a more gifted potion-maker than he really is—items purchased from this shop have a 5% chance of not working as intended, either being subdued, inert, or wildly unpredictable in their actual effects (such as a flask of alchemist’s fire bursting in a flash of light that acts as a daze spell in a 5-foot-radius, or a vial of antitoxin functioning instead as a vial of acid). A successful DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check can determine whether something purchased at Bottled Solutions will work or not, but Nisk doesn’t take kindly to people looking too closely at his wares before they buy.

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