Ven Vinder Character in Golarion | World Anvil
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Ven Vinder

(LN male human commoner 7) Ven even keeps a shocking supply of alcohol in his basement, although a customer has to ask to see the “wine cellar” before Ven’ll admit to his special stock. Ven has a particular fondness for bitter grog and rotgut imported from places as far as the orc city of Urglin. His true prides, though, are his daughters, whom he dotes upon. Lately, he’s been increasingly distracted by what he believes is a budding romance between his daughter KATRINE (NG female human commoner 1) and that no-good Harker from the lumber mill. Unfortunately, Ven’s obsession with Katrine’s nightlife has rendered him all but blind to the shameless actions of his other daughter SHAYLISS (CN female human commoner 1), whose reputation is growing by the month.

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