Alchemist's Work Notes

The work notes from the alchemist detail their efforts at creating a universal fungicide. Earliest entries stretch back nearly a decade ago, and the author's initial, scrawling rants imply that this obsession stemmed from their losing an incredibly rare night-flowering plant to a run-of-the-mill fungus.   While the notes are inconclusive as to whether the author achieved their goal of a truly-universal fungicide (which would kill off any fungi without harming benign plants), there are several promising anti-fungal methods which were discovered, and the notes make references to several as being stored on the array of shelves in the lab.   Finding them is relatively simple once the references are discovered, as the author had a thorough and detailed organization system which, with a string of letters and numbers, readily identify a specific combination of rack, shelf, and container.   Researching and locating each of the antifungal agents in the laboratory takes approximately 5 minutes in total.  
  • Elerium-12 Solution, 1d10+1 Poison damage to any fungus-related creature
  • Essence of Saronite, 1d8+2 Poison damage and 1d8+2 Fire damage to any fungus-related creature
  • Dilution of Elemental Upsidas, 1d10+2 Poison and 1d10+4 Fire damage to any fungus-related creature