Michael Sounders Character in Golarion | World Anvil

Michael Sounders

A cheery doll-maker who the party met on the road from Whistledown to Ilsurian.   He seemed pleasant enough, and told the party that he was on his way to Magnimar to sell his dolls there. When asked, he showed the party a sack full of dolls - all in the same basic style, but with three forms (little boy, little girl, and androgynous) in a variety of colors.   The dolls could talk, and when asked how, he said that he had made them with some metal from Numeria. He didn't ask the man he bought it from what kind of metal it was, but the party surmised that it was Skymetal of some sort. Michael told the party that he used it because it required far less of an investment of energies to create constructs.   At one point, when someone mentioned the magicks used to animate the dolls, Michael replied "Of course - but it's not my magick.."
Shortly after parting ways with Michael, the party encountered a band of elven warriors who were searching for him. They indicated that the dollmaker had something which did not belong to him, and which they wanted back. When asked what it was, the leader merely replied "Some things should not be known."
On their way back to Magnimar, the party overheard sailors in the port of Ilsurian talking about a massacre that had happened on the road from Ilsurian to Whistledown. Some merchants had stumbled upon the grisly scene, and described eviscerated bodies, and others suspended by their own entrails. All of the victims were described as Elven warriors.

A seemingly-jovial dollmaker with whom the party shared a dinner and a campfire on the road to Ilsurian. After overhearing word of a massacre that took place in the same area, the party fears that he may be more sinisted than they initially thought...

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