Mwangi Expanse

The Mwangi Expanse is home to a wide array of civilizations, both past and present, even as it holds the largest stretch of wilderness in the Inner Sea region. In fact, one of the first civilizations to rise from the ashes after Earthfall rose here in this land — the nation of Shory and its astounding flying cities, from which many modern customs of magic stem.
  Some Mwangi cities and kingdoms were lost far more recently than those ancient wonders. When the Eye of Abendego formed just over a century ago, its winds and waves flooded two significant realms along Garund’s west coast. Where once stood the nations of Lirgen and Yamasa now stretch only the Sodden Lands, a swath of swampland and salt marshes held by rival gangs of scavengers and monsters. Even more recently, a powerful city-state in the heart of the Mwangi Jungle, Usaro, fell when its brutal leader, Ruthazek the Gorilla King, was slain by adventurers. Usaro has been without a leader for only a few short years, but already its violent inhabitants have caused significant damage in their anarchic rioting. A long lineage of demonically infused Gorilla Kings has ruled Usaro over the centuries, and so a new one will likely soon rise to seize control of Usaro, for the moment this sinister region lacks a head to focus its wrath.
  Despite these instances of ruin and destruction, the Mwangi Expanse hosts a wealth of diverse and powerful city-states within its reaches. In Bloodcove, the ruthless mercantile league of the Aspis Consortium rules. Farther south along the coast stands Senghor, whose stance against both piracy and slavery place the city in stark contrast to its northern neighbor. The city-state of Nantambu lies far upstream from Bloodcove on the Vanji River, where its citizens carry on the ancient traditions of Old-Mage Jatembe in combining arcane and primal magic. Far to the southeast stands Mzali, which lies under the oppressive rule of the undead child-king Walkena, though a group of dissidents called the Bright Lions works to build resistance to the mummy’s reign. Then there is the city of Kibwe, where within its walls dwell an eclectic mix of people who have journeyed from afar to seek trade and companionship.
  Farther south from these independent city-states lies the recently freed nation of Vidrian. Originally established as the Chelish colony of Sargava, Vidrian has now seized its own destiny and cast off its colonial shackles. In so doing, the young nation has exposed itself to the predations of pirates and worse, yet to its citizens, freedom from oppression is well worth that price.