The Druid's Journal

A plain, leather-bound journal lays on the chest inside this room. Inside, notes written in a firm and steady hand fill the pages.
The majority of entries detail Warden Blackstone's efforts to address the blight. They list numerous cures and methods that have been attempted with no success, and her growing frustration is evident in the later entries.
  A handful of the last entries are of particular relevance. They mention an alchemist that had passed through the town several years ago, on his way further up into the mountains to claim an abandoned tower for use as his laboratory. Many of the townsfolk remember the man having passed through, but could not provide any detail.
  The town clerk, however, keeps thorough record of every outsider who passes through Underfall (as so few do - and why would they?). Annetta mentions having met with the clerk and poring through the archives with him, before finally finding the records from that time.
  In early Erastus of 4717, a man named Terrence Fial had come to Underfall. He stopped in at Mae's for most of a week, resting and recuperating from his trek up the Iron Maw, and kept mostly to himself. He did share a dinner with the town clerk and a couple of the council members one evening, though, and (when pressed for information on what brought him to the little town), he indicated that a relative of his many generations ago had been a wizard who had built a tower in the mountains to the north.
  Terrence, an Alchemist by trade, needed a quiet place to pursue his studies away from populated areas - so his great-great-grandfather's tower seemed like a good fit. He mentioned that his work was dealing with ways to eradicate various types of fungi, and that he had spent many years (and resources) in collecting a large manner of different spores and samples for use in his research.
  Annetta's journal speaks to having been more-than-a-little annoyed that it took the townsfolk this long to remember these very-relevant details. She posted a report to the Pathfinder lodge (as a courier was due in town within the week) and made plans to leave the next morning in search of Terrence and his tower.
  The journal entry speaks of her urgency, and notes that despite her efforts to eradicate it, that the blight cultures she has been working with have been growing and developing at an increased rate. Due to this, she is traveling light and leaving all but her essentials behind in order to move quickly in search of the Alchemist.