Underfall Town Clerk's Journal

The journal belongs to the Underfall Town Clerk - the only administrative position kept by the town. Most of the entries are very dull, detailing the comings and goings of the small farm town, and the minutes of the monthly council meetings (the council being made up of each of the land-owners, along with the captain of the militia and the clerk themselves).
  The latest few entries are definitely of note, though...
18th Neth: Dear gods above, the town has gone mad! I saw one of the Campbell boys stumble into town and go into Mae's; the militia were called and dealt with the situation. Turns out, Jared had stumbled in and immediately taken a bite out of one of the serving girl's arms. I wish I could say that was the worst of it, but I'd be lying. There were many other reports of violence, increasing during the day - and as I write this, I sit in my office and hope that the morning light brings some sense of normalcy back to this town.
  I fear that it won't, though. Captain Spall had been checking in with me every hour, but it's been at least three since he last stopped in. And I can hear.. something out in the square. Pharasma, why have you abando- the rest of the page is illegible and covered in spilled ink.
  The next most recent legible entry is from 16th Neth, and speaks of some little excitement in the town, thanks to two large trees which sprung up over-night. In the rest of the entries, nothing of interest stands out - they detail small town life, and identify the town clerk as middle-aged person who enjoys a night at the local public house (Mae's) in addition to reading several local news journals from surrounding towns, and collecting obscure liquors.