Watch Tower Logbook

In the watchtower is a log-book containing the duty logs of each sentry, recorded at shift change. The latest entry is from the evening of 17th Neth, 4719. Below are a handful of relevant entries from the last few dates.
17th Neth, Evening Shift Change: Those strange trees near the Mill were acting up today. They seem... thinner? The branches ain't as bulky. Galen said he seen a "shimmer" around the branches of the trees, but I ain't see nothin.
  17th Neth, Morning Shift Change: Those incompetents on the day shift apparently didn't even notice that the trees grew another 15 feet yesterday. When I asked them about it during shift change, Hal just shrugged and said he hadn't noticed it. My closer inspection of the trees yesterday offered no new insights - other than that I can't identify the species of tree. I wonder if they even ARE trees, as the bark is more.. soft than I would expect? Here's hoping that Warden Blackthorn returns soon.
  16th Neth, Evening Shift Change: Nothing relevant
  16th Neth, Morning Shift Change: Something weird is afoot. Overnight, it would seem, two large trees sprung up in the fields surrounding Miller's Plot. They are massive - almost as tall as the mill itself. It's a shame that the druid hasn't returned, as I would love her insight into just what the hell is going on here. Nothing that massive has any right just growing overnight. Once I am off duty, I'm going to go have a look for myself.
  12th Neth, Evening Shift Change: That druid left town today, saw her headin out east over the quarrybridge. Galen says he hurd she was headin up to the peaks to find that alkemist
Other than the above entries, the only other relevant entry is from 5th Rova, 4719, mentioning the arrival of Warden Blackstone


A logbook kept by the sentries in Westwatch, near Underfall Village
Report, Military