History of Brevoy

The History of Brevoy as the general public knows of it

  • 4499

    The Founding of Brevoy
    Military action

    Choral the Conqueror united the two nations of Issia and Rostland into one as Brevoy.  He christened his family as rulers known as House Rogarvia.

  • 4509

    Chroal's Disappearance

    In 4509 AR, Choral and his red dragon allies disappeared, leaving his descendants to rule Brevoy for exactly two hundred years from his conquest.

  • 4699

    The Vanishing
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The entire House Rogarvia disappeared overnight.  Brevoy was in an uproar until House Surtova claimed power as the 'rightful heir' to House Rogarvia.  Only with the backing of House Lebeda did they succeed in holding the nation together.

  • 4718


    The Worldwound Closes
    Geological / environmental event

    The Worldwound closes at the defeat of the 5th Crusade.  Trade is picking up for Brevoy of mostly seeds and cattle with southern Rostland provides, but most of the wealth gained is kept by Issia.  Tensions are growing.

  • 4718


    Disappearance of Lord Lander
    Diplomatic action

    A prospective alliance between House Surtova and House Lebeda that would have symbolically united Rostland (Elanna Lebeda) and Issia (King Noleski Surtova) and brought some much needed stability to fractured Brevoy, fell apart in 4718 AR when the king's sister, Natala Surtova, accused Lord Lander Lebeda of treason. Lord Lander disappeared soon thereafter, leaving the would-be bride to return home in humiliation. Since Lord Lander had been accused of harboring revolutionary sentiments numerous times during his youth, most of the Brevic nobility believed the Surtovan accusations. The notable exception were members of House Orlovsky, who claimed that the facts supporting the purported treason were contradictory and unclear, and countered that this was most likely Surtovan propaganda. This has caused a significant fracture between the houses of Surtova and Orlovsky, one that threatens to escalate into armed confrontation