Dras Enga

Researcher, Dragon, Savant Dras Enga

Fizzwick Sparktail, barely fifteen summers old, isn't your average Absolom alley rat. Sure, he scampers and squeaks with the best of them, pilfering trinkets and scraps from unsuspecting humans. But beneath his dusty scales and oversized goggles beats the heart of a dreamer, a dreamer obsessed with dragons. Not some fire-breathing behemoth, mind you – no, Fizzwick believes he is a dragon. A noble dragon named Dras Enga, trapped within a scaly kobold shell by some cruel twist of fate.   He was raised in the bustling, chaotic Warren of Whispers, where stories of ancient drakes were traded like glittering gemstones. Each tale fueled Fizzwick's growing conviction: the scales that gleamed faintly in the undercity's dim light, the bite that cracked nutshells with ease, the untamed spark of curiosity that ignited every new concoction in his rickety alchemical den – all proof of his true draconic blood.   His mother, Gnawga, a seasoned scavenger with a heart of gold (and a stash of stolen moonstones), tolerated his delusions with amused exasperation. "Dragons eat gold, Fizz," she'd scoff, "not stale bread crusts." But she secretly tucked aside trinkets she knew would spark his fascination, fueling his ever-growing "Dragon Hoard."   One fateful day, Fizzwick stumbled upon a faded alchemist's scroll, its cryptic symbols whispering of elixirs and transformations. His eyes glowed with conviction – this was the key to unlocking his true form! He joined the Seekers, the city's motley crew of relic hunters, drawn by their access to forgotten lore and forbidden ingredients. He wasn't there for wealth; he was after the ingredients for his ultimate concoction – the Dragonheart Elixir.   Fizzwick's path is littered with mishaps and explosions, his potions more likely to dye your hair neon green than turn you into a fire-breathing behemoth. Yet, there's an undeniable spark of ingenuity in his madness. His concoctions, while wildly unpredictable, will save the party from a few sticky situations.   Now, he's stumbled upon the Kai Hunters, a group dedicated to safeguarding powerful artifacts. Fizzwick sees this as a stepping stone, an opportunity to access forgotten draconic secrets. They see a reckless, overconfident alchemist with a knack for trouble. Will Fizzwick prove his worth to these seasoned relic hunters? Will he finally unlock his draconic potential, or will his delusions lead him down a fiery, self-destructive path?   Only time, and a whole lot of bubbling beakers, will tell. And as for his party mates? Well, they've learned to adapt to his self-proclaimed leadership, sometimes indulging his theatrics, other times rolling their eyes at his pronouncements. After all, who wouldn't want a "dragon" as their slightly eccentric alchemist, even if he does call them his minions?
Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White Scales with Black scaled Snoot

Expedition 1: Carden's Pain...also mine...

*Written with a shaky, tired hand*   I have never been slain before...this...was....horrifying. We need to leave, and I must find a way to never have to do this again.. if ONLY I was in my TRUE divine form! These wretched Ogres would have NEVER dared to step forward and try to stand their ground...   *it looks as though the page has gotten wet in small splattered circles from this point on.*   Minion Naltus and Minion Minion Squirrel both fought valiantly but I cannot allow the treatment of my Minions to continue to be this deadly...what kind of Dragon would allow such a thing!   ...Well, the deed is done, we have brought justice to these damnable cretins and we now can see to Minion Willem...I must think more on this horrible experience...I do hope Minion Willem has not been enduring this level of distress and pain this entire time... We must go now, I will think on this.

Expedition 1: Carden's Sorrow

We made our way to Carden after our little foray with the blooze...blooze? Nah thats not good either... I swear I WILL find a suitable name for that thing that nearly killed my Minions. I will say, it was more than I expected...things are not good, and the people are sick, beaten, tired and afraid...but still better than I expected. We quickly found the healer hut and made our way to Minion Healer Hal to see if he could do anything for Minion Willam. Sadly he was a quite a decent healer though entirely holisitic by approach..I thought he was an alchemist and was hoping to aquire a new recipe if possible...but alas his book was some kind of cleric wanna be. I will not deny his skill, by any means just simply not what I expected. He patched up my Minions but sadly could not do anything for Minion Willam....which will not do...We to fix this situation post haste so we may see to Wil.. Minion Willam before it is too late! These Ogres will pay! Or who is in charge of them....This is no way for Minions to act.   We did by chance get to see Minion Lord(ed) Sheeran to get some answers but this man was quite hysterical...mind you with good reason...however not entirely helpful. Minion Fynnir had an AMAZING idea that came to fantastic fruition! They opened the book we were given to find these things....but apparently it had something to say...and apparently this lord Minion was wearing the artifact we needed this whole time!!! Its something called La'Das' Pants....apparently they attract Ogres....and thats it. How pointless of an item....I suppose I cannot be a chooser about this for now. Though the name....now that rang a bell   La'Das Kai's best friend, was always palling around with them to keep him out of trouble. Apparently this La'Das was a strong champion of Irori, and it is rumored to be one of the main reasons they both have survived as long as they did.   Minion Agnigal managed to convince them to switch pants, VERY smart! I KNEW I had the best minions! Though it seems as though we may have an issue....was that a bell?

Expedition 1: So...Much...Blood

So it would seem, my initial thought of opening the door by making it bleed was...less than optimal. It WORKED mind you...but less than desirable for sure. I will need to inspect this door at a later date and take measurements and notes on design. This seems like it would be quite adequate as a standard door within my Hoard Quarters....Mayhaps the Minions and I can disassemble it and bring it with us for reconstruction back home. If not! I will take my notes and move on, creating my OWN masterpiece!! Fit for a Dragon of such stature!   I surely thought for a moment that some of my Minions may actually perish...and this will simply not do. They are the best Minions and I must keep them alive and safe. What is a good Dragon without their Minions after all! This blood thingy...lets..call it an ooze I suppose. It seems adequate, but im sure it could do with a better name. but moving on for now... It was quite a problem but we prevailed...as I said, the best Minions!   Our newest Minion Willam however did not seem to make it out of the altercation intact. This is certainly my first loss of a Minion, and I do not know what this feeling is but I do not like it. Thankfully my goggles were able to catch some of the liquid from my eyes so that my Minions did not see, hopefuuly they did not see me clutching his haggus hoard bag...thing, I will hang onto it until I can return it to him. A Dragon cannot cry, or feel remorse. or regret...how else are they supposed to be a leader otherwise.   The other Minions have expressed a strong desire to try and revive him, and I say I do agree..however I do not know how to do this. None of my concoctions are this good...though I suppose I know what my immediate project will be! I now have to create a potion to bring back the dead! This will be perfect! No Minion left behind! OR FOR DEAD! Now...ONTO CARDEN!!!

Expedition 1, The start of my Glorious Hoard Quarters

Things have been shaping up around here, my Minions have been hard at work, studying and preparing for us to catch wind of our first major Hoard collection!   Minion Tim approached us today with a job. Excellent! hopefully I can collect some ingredients for my elixir to finally achieve my TRUE FORM!! We should be heading out to Almas. Something about investigating the surrounding area and such. Seems we will be heading to Carden to find out more information from the town leader regarding the weird Ogre activity. Im sure they just need a leader to set them straight. I will see what they do about being in the presence of such a majestic being as myself.   And as it would seem, I am still new to this leadership thing, and my minions are so informed of the world. I have certainly lucked out in terms of my reputation only bringing to me only the best Minions. As such I was informed by Minion Agnigal that it is common to pay worship to deities and powerful entities by patting their statues and idols on the head. Since I do not have any statues myself yet, I suppose it is only appropriate that I allow them the honor to pat my head directly. As it would seem this is certainly the preferred method of paying tribute, as I felt the effects immediately. NO WONDER gods and dragons have those that worship them. Head pats are so wonderfully powerful and I made sure to let them know it is acceptable to continue as much as they like. I am going to need power after all if I am to eventually come to my proper form and size.   After camping it would seem as I am the most perceptive of the bunch as we found an odd looking fairy circle. Seems as though it was active since Minion Agnigal tossed in a stick and turned it into a wand. My gauntlet disappeared when I tossed it in, most curious! I do think it was a well received offerince since they saw it. There was a strange incident with a flying dagger but I was quite lost in thought...so I dont really remember, but I DID have a most exciting idea.   Since my gauntlet offering was accepted I wanted to personally show my gratitude to the one controlling said portal so I took some food and stepped into the ring. It seemed as though they must have enjoyed this because they took me somewhere....im not sure where really but Minion Agnigal came with me. We ended up passing through a large rainbow tube and fell into the ground....into some kind of cave. Eventually the rest of the Minions came to join us and we ventured forth in some kind of giant cave thing.   Seems as though this place was an old temple to Asmodeus some kind of hell guy. Im sure he is important but he has no place among dragons. We are the lords of this realm and so it is not my concern. What IIIIS my concern however, is the fact that we have gathered some of my hoard and it has begun to grow!! I would assume I should pay my Minions, I assume that is what all great Dragons do, so I will indeed make sure they are paid for being my Minions.   We did also find another Minion of the Ogres that apparently inhabit these halls, his name is Willam...im still unsure if he would make a good Minion, but I assume he is adequate enough as the ogres have kept him alive. We shall see, I will think on this.   Our next hurdle here it seems will be trying to make our way out of here, we could go out the same way the Ogres went, but I did notice there was some kind of wind coming from a hallway that was all walls...which appears to be an illusion, simple tricks cannot stop me Asmodeus, this is my realm you silly thing.   Though I suppose having a bleeding door while unsettling is not going to stop me. I deal with nasty odd fluids all the time...though a golem made of blood...MOST FASCINATING!

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

Party Info

Stephs Character Naltus(Nally) They/She - Human Ranger Bear named Squirrel   Liz's Character Fynnir Leafbottle They/Them -Halfling Druid Squirrel named Nutmeg   Codis NPC Myst Elf Undyne She/Her- Cleric? Healer something   Lunas Character Agnigal They/Ze Human fighty bit?


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