Naltis Kelstra


Arrival at Carden

So when they said Ogre attacks, I knew it would be bad, but I've never seen such destruction. Houses with their roof literally ripped off as if it they were taken off of a doll house, devastation everywhere. People along the road were all clearly escaping, leaving with whatever they could carry. Normally I love to travel but the vibe here is definitely not it.   Luckily we found a lovely healer named Hal to look after Willam. They were an absolute delight. I feel very nervous about leaving Willam behind, but I realize there's no better option.   Lord Sheeran had unknowingly worn some magical pants that are apparently a Kai artifact? Fucking weird, who does that? Meaning, why on earth did anyone make such a ridiculous item? Are they all going to be this insane? I mean, I'm down for an adventure, but this is kind of wild.

Fae Gate Fuckery

A messenger named Tim brought us a letter identifying our first mission for the Pathfinder Society. It said that a small town in the Kingdom of Andoran, about 20 miles NE outside of Almas city, was having trouble with Ogres. These Ogres were acting out of character in the sense that they were not just mindlessly destroying everything in their paths, but that they were looking for something.   We took the first passage to Almas available, and upon arrival, decided to try to find a caravan to travel with.

The Journal Entry’s title

Begin writing your story here...

Official Members of the Pathfinder Society

After finishing off the bastard that hurt my little Mika, we skillfully took out a few more of his friends and teleported back to the area that we had originally met Jace. He congratulated us on a job well done, and we were officially welcomed into the Pathfinder Society. I got a cool little pin! *shows it off*   We also met a new comrade, Agnigal. They looked like they'd seen some shit, so I'm excited to get to know them a little better.   From there we were allowed to go to our new "Hoard Quarters," where our rooms, main living space, and vault were set up for us. Definitely the nicest digs I've ever had, that's for sure. It felt a little odd if I'm being honest. We were all pretty tired, so Agnigal, Fynnir, and Mist retired to their rooms. Dras on the other hand decided to sleep in the main living quarters right in front of the fire, while tucking their little gold coin underneath themselves. It was absolutely adorable, so Fynnir and I added our own coins to their "hoard" before we retired as well. I can't get over how funny this little dude is, it's ridiculous. Definitely the best company I've had in a long time, for sure.   I took a look at my room, and it's insanely nice. But honestly everything inside feels so claustrophobic to me and I'm not sure why. Maybe one day, I'll remember. But for now, I just don't want to be alone. So, I curled up with Mika in the corner of the main living quarters with Dras, imagining what our new lives would be like. Maybe I can finally put the pieces of myself back together.


Naltas convenes with Dras (whom they refer to lovingly as Master), Fynnir, and Mist to begin the trial. Dras shows off their items they made. Jace explains the test and they are transported to a new room with only a chest in it. The ceiling starts to descend. Dras disables a trap on the chest, followed by Naltas disabling the lock with their dagger. Fynnir runs up and presses both buttons inside the chest simultaneously, and they are all transported to a new room. They are plunged into icy waters, where Mist helps them swim to shore (she is not bothered by the cold of the water). Natlas strips off their cold gear while Dras digs them a shelter. Fynnir makes them a fire. They sleep in shifts and survive the night. They are then transported to another room, where they are in an arena surrounded by a crowd. Dras growls, intimidating the crowd. One full round of attacks are made, Squirrel and Naltas take one goblin down, another goblin takes Squirrel down. Squirrel is currently at 0 hit points, Naltas is full.    


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